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  • Videos
  • TikTok Creator Account vs. Business Account for Affiliate Marketing

TikTok Creator Account vs. Business Account for Affiliate Marketing

TikTok Creator Account vs. Business Account for Affiliate Marketing (Clickable Link) | Becoming Legendary w/ Brian Brewer03:45Youtube video: TikTok Creator Account vs. Business Account for Affiliate Marketing (Clickable Link)
Becoming Legendary w/ Brian Brewer


  • Clickable links on TikTok
  • Creator account vs Business account
  • Delaying gratification for long-term success

Video summary

The video discusses the issue of clickable links on TikTok for new affiliate marketers. If you have a brand new TikTok creator account, you can't put a clickable link to your funnel until you have a thousand followers. There is a workaround where you switch over to a business account, but you don't get access to the trending sounds. It's important to have a creator account to see growth, access trending sounds, and become discovered. Delaying gratification and committing to a creator account has long-term success. There is no right or wrong answer. Stick with the creator account and commit to getting the first thousand followers.


Dig Deeper

As a new affiliate marketer on TikTok, one of the biggest hurdles you may face is adding clickable links to your account. If you are starting with a brand new Creator account on TikTok, you cannot add a clickable link to your funnel until you have garnered a thousand followers, which can take time. Alternatively, you could switch over to a Business account, where you can add a clickable link from day one, even with zero followers. However, switching to a Business account means that you lose access to the trending sounds, which are essential to TikTok’s discovery mechanism.

The Creator Account Advantage

So, what is the best way to approach this dilemma as a new affiliate marketer? According to marketing experts, it is best to stick with the Creator account and delay monetization for a while. While you may have to wait a little longer to add a clickable link, the Creator account offers one undeniable advantage- access to trending sounds. When you create videos using these trending sounds and hashtags, you are more likely to go viral and reach a wider audience. Besides, having a thousand followers as your initial goal gives you a concrete target and drives you towards it relentlessly. This higher engagement on your Creator account sets a solid foundation for affiliate marketing in the long run.


While there is no right or wrong answer to this debate, sticking with the Creator account is more beneficial for new affiliate marketers. Delaying gratification and focussing on growth will ultimately lead to more success in affiliate marketing, regardless of the platform you use. Use TikTok's features, including duets, trending sounds, and hashtags, to create engaging content that captures the attention of your audience. With consistent efforts, you are guaranteed to reach that thousand follower milestone and add that clickable link to your funnel in no time.

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How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Account

Choosing a keyword-rich domain name and reputable extension can boost online marketing success. Amazon affiliate marketing rules include disclosing links and maintaining credibility. The Prompt Perfect ChatGPT plugin offers opportunities for creating compelling ad copies and increasing conversions.

Influencer marketing has transformed the affiliate marketing industry. Brands now pay influencers to promote products, shifting from traditional affiliate marketing. Effective content writing is crucial for affiliate marketing success, providing value and optimizing for SEO is key. Buyer personas and hiring writers can also boost businesses.

How To Write Content For Affiliate Marketing

Influencer marketing has transformed the affiliate marketing industry. Brands now pay influencers to promote products, shifting from traditional affiliate marketing. Effective content writing is crucial for affiliate marketing success, providing value and optimizing for SEO is key. Buyer personas and hiring writers can also boost businesses.

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Amazon Affiliate Marketing Rules

The text discusses the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins and strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and confidently positioning offers for high ticket sales. The text also provides information about a company's affiliate program and invites users to contact the company for more information.

Discover strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing and optimizing WordPress websites with top Amazon affiliate plugins in 2023. Avoid killing your affiliate website's chances of success by following rules and effectively positioning your high ticket offers.

Adding Affiliate Links to Pins on Pinterest

Discover strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing and optimizing WordPress websites with top Amazon affiliate plugins in 2023. Avoid killing your affiliate website's chances of success by following rules and effectively positioning your high ticket offers.

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