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Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
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  • Videos
  • Adding Affiliate Links to Pins on Pinterest

Adding Affiliate Links to Pins on Pinterest

Adding Affiliate Links to Pins on Pinterest | Allison Lancaster | Digital Marketing Expert 03:34Youtube video: Adding Affiliate Links to Pins on Pinterest
Allison Lancaster | Digital Marketing Expert


  • growing affiliate income on Pinterest
  • using affiliate links in pins
  • shoppable button feature on Pinterest

Video summary

The video discusses how to grow affiliate income with pins on Pinterest. The speaker explains that adding affiliate links to pins is a great way to promote products. She demonstrates how to use the shoppable button feature, where users can add products that people can shop. The speaker also mentions that although this feature is currently underutilized, it can be beneficial for the end user. She advises viewers to start tagging products in their pins and experimenting with the feature. Additionally, she shares that Amazon is an approved platform for affiliate links on Pinterest. Overall, this training provides insights on leveraging affiliate links and maximizing their impact on Pinterest.


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Growing your Affiliate Income with Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest offers a unique feature that many people are not taking advantage of - the ability to add affiliate links within pins. This feature allows you to monetize your pins and increase your affiliate income. Let's take a closer look at how to use this feature effectively.

First, you can simply add an affiliate link to a pin itself. This means that when users click on your pin, they will be directed to the product you are promoting. This is a straightforward way to generate affiliate sales.

However, there is another cool feature that Pinterest offers - the ability to add shoppable products to your pins. This feature is a game-changer as it allows users to directly shop the products within the pin. By clicking on the shoppable button, users can see the products you have tagged and make a purchase instantly.

It's important to note that this feature is still underutilized by many users, but with more and more products being added to pins, it is expected to become more useful to the end user. Therefore, now is the perfect time to start experimenting with this feature and see how your audience responds.

To add shoppable products to your pins, follow these steps:

  1. Click the plus button to add products to your pin.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select from the products you have previously tagged or add a new product.

  3. If you choose to add a new product, you can enter the affiliate link, select an image to go with it, and save the product.

  4. You can add multiple products to your pin and customize it according to your preferences.

  5. Once you are done, click the "done" button to finalize your shoppable pin.

It's important to note that not all affiliate programs are supported by Pinterest. Currently, Amazon is one of the approved programs, and there are a few others as well. Make sure to check Pinterest's guidelines to ensure your affiliate links are in compliance with their policies.

This feature is a great way to showcase your affiliate products and increase your earnings. By leveraging the power of Pinterest, you can attract more potential customers and convert them into buyers through shoppable pins.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about Pinterest strategies, I invite you to join our Facebook community. You can find us by searching for "Pinterest Strategy with Allison Lancaster" or "Google Web Stories with Allison Lancaster." I am actively involved in the group, answering questions and providing valuable trainings. Additionally, you can visit my website, allisonrlancaster.com, for more information.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your affiliate income with Pinterest's shoppable pins. Start experimenting and see how it can benefit your affiliate marketing efforts.

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