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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

  • Videos
  • How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Account

How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Account

How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Account | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Agora - Amazon Affiliates App03:22Youtube video: How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Account | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Agora - Amazon Affiliates App


  • Creating an Amazon Associates account
  • Regionalization of Amazon Associates accounts
  • Selecting the appropriate region

Video summary

This video provides instructions on how to create an Amazon Associates account. It emphasizes the importance of having a fully functioning site with content on it and at least 10 blog posts before applying. It also explains that Amazon Associates accounts are regionalized, so you will need to sign up for the specific region you want to promote products from. The video suggests starting with the region where most of your traffic will come from. It mentions a Shopify app that can dynamically choose the right affiliate link based on the user's location. The video then walks through the process of signing up for the program, including creating a new Amazon account, indicating the main contact for the account, listing the websites and mobile apps you plan to post affiliate links to, and answering questions about traffic and content. It advises purchasing your own domain to remove Shopify branding and warns that having minimal content or content from other sites can result in application rejection. It concludes by mentioning that it may take Amazon one to three days to review your application and that, if approved, you can start adding affiliate links to your content.


Dig Deeper

Create a Fully Functioning Website

Before you can create an Amazon Associates account, it's important to have a fully functioning website with content on it. Amazon requires that you provide details of your site during the sign-up process. Make sure you have at least 10 blog posts on your site before creating your account to avoid potential rejection.

Regionalized Amazon Associates Accounts

Amazon Associates accounts are regionalized, meaning that the account you sign up for will determine the products you can promote and the commissions you can receive. For example, if you sign up for an Australian Amazon Associates account, you'll only be able to generate links and receive commissions from products available on the Australian Amazon storefront. If you want to promote products from the US Amazon storefront, you'll need to sign up for a US Amazon Associates account. The process for signing up to different regional accounts is similar.

Choosing the Right Region

When choosing which regional Amazon Associates account to sign up for, it's important to consider where most of your traffic will come from. This can be determined by where you plan to focus your promotional activities geographically, whether that be via SEO or other marketing strategies.

Our Shopify app has a feature that dynamically chooses the right affiliate link to show to your users based on their location. This ensures that they are always directed to the correct Amazon storefront. You can find more information about this feature in the link provided in the video description.

Signing Up for the Program

To sign up as an Amazon affiliate, you will need an Amazon account. Click on the sign-up button on the homepage of the regional Amazon Associates account of your choice. While you can use the account you already have for buying on Amazon, it's recommended to create a new one exclusively for your affiliate empire.

During the sign-up process, you will need to indicate who the main contact for the account is. Since you're likely the only person working on your empire, you can list yourself as the main contact. You will also need to list the websites and mobile apps where you plan to post your affiliate links. If you're only planning to use the site you just created, you can simply list its URL.

It's important to answer the questions about your traffic and content honestly. Having at least 10 blog posts on your site is strongly recommended as it increases the chances of your application getting approved. Avoid using content from other sites, as this may result in rejection.

Read and agree to the contract terms, and then click "Finish" to submit your application. Amazon will review your application, and it may take between one to three days to receive a response. You will receive an email once your application has been reviewed.

If your account is approved, you can start adding affiliate links to the content you've created. However, there are important ground rules and guidelines about the Amazon Associates program that will be covered in the next video.

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Amana Affiliate Department Contact manages the Amana Affiliate Program with a focus on the Wholesale Trade industry in the USA. Contact via email or phone.

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