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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

  • Videos
  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing Rules

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Rules

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Rules | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Agora - Amazon Affiliates App03:27Youtube video: Amazon Affiliate Marketing Rules | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Agora - Amazon Affiliates App


  • Golden rules for affiliate marketing
  • Importance of disclosing affiliate links
  • Updating product prices regularly

Video summary

The video discusses golden rules for affiliate marketing and emphasizes the importance of following them to ensure a steady income from your blog. The rules include disclosing affiliate links, updating product prices regularly, not using URL shorteners or disguising affiliate links, not using affiliate links in emails or free downloads, not purchasing through your own affiliate link, not creating multiple Amazon Associates accounts per region, and not pretending to be Amazon. Following these rules will allow you to enjoy commissions on your site for years to come.


Dig Deeper

Disclosure is Key in Affiliate Marketing

In the world of affiliate marketing, trust is crucial. To maintain transparency with your audience, it is important to disclose that you will receive a commission if someone buys something through your affiliate link. While a disclosure in the footer of your site is the minimum requirement, it is recommended to add a short disclosure next to every affiliate link on your site. This not only fulfills ethical responsibilities but also builds trust with your audience.

Maintain Updated Product Prices

Whenever you mention the price of a product on your site, it is essential to ensure its accuracy. Since product prices on platforms like Amazon can change frequently, it is important to have a way to automatically update the prices when they change. If you cannot implement an automatic update system, it's better to avoid mentioning the price altogether in your content to avoid misleading your audience.

Avoid URL Shorteners and Cloaking

It is against Amazon's policy to use URL shorteners or disguise your affiliate link as anything other than an affiliate link from Amazon. Even if you are concerned about the length of your URL, Amazon Associates dashboard provides its own URL shortener that can be used. Follow these guidelines to ensure compliance with Amazon's terms and conditions.

Restrictions on Email and Download Usage

Amazon strictly prohibits the use of affiliate links in emails, ebooks, or free downloads. You should only publish your affiliate links on the websites that you specified to Amazon during the sign-up process. However, you can still include a link to your site in emails, ebooks, or free downloads, as long as they lead to your site with affiliate links on them. This way, you can still earn commissions from your audience if they click through to your site.

It is common sense, but worth mentioning – do not make purchases through your own affiliate link. Amazon takes a strong stance against such actions. Similarly, sharing your affiliate link directly with friends and family for them to make purchases is also not allowed. To maintain credibility and avoid any conflicts of interest, refrain from purchasing or sharing products using your own affiliate link.

Stick to One Amazon Associates Account per Region

While you can have Amazon Associates accounts in multiple regions, it is recommended to have only one account per region. Signing up for additional accounts using the same Amazon account used for your first Amazon Associates account is the safest approach. Multiple accounts per region can lead to unnecessary complications and are generally not worth the hassle.

Don't Pretend to Be Amazon

It goes without saying that pretending to be Amazon is a violation of their policies. Do not attempt to in any way impersonate or misrepresent yourself as Amazon. Such actions are strictly prohibited and can lead to severe consequences. Ensure that you maintain your own identity as an affiliate marketer and abide by the rules set by Amazon.

Following these golden rules of affiliate marketing will help you maintain a successful and sustainable income from your blog. By adhering to these guidelines, you can build trust with your audience and enjoy the benefits of affiliate commissions for years to come.

What keyword research tools should affiliate marketers use to make their content rank higher in Google? Read this article to find out!

Top 5 keyword research tools for affiliate marketers

Keyword research is crucial for affiliate marketers. Here are the top 5 tools: 1. SEMrush: detailed analysis and competitor insights. 2. Ahrefs: powerful SEO platform. 3. Moz Keyword Explorer: unique keyword difficulty score. 4. Google Keyword Planner: simple and accurate results.

Would you like to improve your affiliate sales even more? Check out the best blog posts to learn more and start improving right away.

The 5 best types of blog posts to make affiliate sales

Learn how to boost sales with five types of affiliate content: product roundups, product reviews, product comparisons, how-to articles, and resource pages. These content ideas can be used in any niche and can help provide valuable information to your audience while promoting affiliate products.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the Ecwid integration for Post Affiliate Pro.


The plugin for tracking sales in Ecwid can be configured and activated in the Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel. Integration is required for accurate tracking of sales.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the ReCharge (Shopify) integration for Post Affiliate Pro.

ReCharge (Shopify)

The text discusses affiliate marketing, including software options, targeting the right audience, content creation, SEO, and sales growth KPIs. It also mentions specific affiliate programs and integrations with Post Affiliate Pro.

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