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  • Videos
  • How To Fix YouTube Description Link Not Working?

How To Fix YouTube Description Link Not Working?

How To Fix YouTube Description Link Not Working? [in 2023] | ROI Hacks Social Media Marketing Tutorials02:32Youtube video: How To Fix YouTube Description Link Not Working? [in 2023]
ROI Hacks Social Media Marketing Tutorials


  • Fixing non-clickable YouTube video description link
  • Importance of clickable links in video descriptions
  • Instructions for making YouTube links clickable

Video summary

In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to fix a YouTube video description link that is not clickable. They mention that clickable links in the description are more likely to be clicked on by viewers. The speaker explains that to make your YouTube links clickable, you need to go to YouTube Studio, access the video in question, click on the details tab, and add the 'https' part to the link. By doing this, the link becomes clickable. The speaker also encourages viewers to check out their website for more detailed instructions and resources to help grow their YouTube channel and create a full-time online business.


Dig Deeper

In this video tutorial, we will discuss how to fix a YouTube video description link that is not clickable. While it may seem like a small issue, having clickable links in your video description can significantly impact your viewers' engagement and make it easier for them to access relevant resources.

First, let's understand the problem. If you open a YouTube video and check the description, you may come across a link that is currently not clickable. For example, in this video, the website link "roix.com" is not clickable.

However, there is a simple solution to make your YouTube links clickable. Follow these easy steps:

  1. Open YouTube Studio and sign in to your YouTube channel account.

  2. Click on "Content," where you will find all your uploaded YouTube videos.

  3. Select the video with the non-clickable link and click on the "Details" tab.

  4. Here, you will find the link that needs fixing. The reason it's not working is that the "https" part is missing.

  5. Add the "https" part to the link and save the changes.

Now, if you go back to the video, you will see that the link is clickable. Hovering over the link will show that it redirects to the intended webpage.

This simple fix can enhance your viewers' experience and encourage more clicks on the links you provide. People are more likely to click on a clickable link rather than copy and paste it into a new tab.

Impact on the Affiliate Marketing Industry

The impact of having non-clickable links in YouTube video descriptions goes beyond user experience. It directly affects the affiliate marketing industry as well.

Affiliate marketers rely on clickable links to drive traffic and generate sales. When a link is not working or requires manual copying and pasting, it creates friction for potential customers and reduces the likelihood of them taking action.

By ensuring all the links in your video descriptions are clickable, you are providing a seamless user experience and giving your affiliate marketing efforts the best chance at success. Users can easily access recommended products or services and make purchases with just a click.

In conclusion, it's essential to fix non-clickable YouTube video description links to improve user experience and maximize the impact of affiliate marketing efforts. Remember, clickable links are more likely to be clicked, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

For more detailed instructions on fixing non-clickable links, check out our blog post. Don't forget to explore our free resources, including ebooks, checklists, software deals, and templates, to help you grow your YouTube channel and build a successful online business.

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