–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

User Interface

It’s possible to customize almost everything in Post Affiliate Pro. Whether you need to customize themes, languages, or logos, we’ve got it covered. See more below.

Customizable interface

Post Affiliate Pro is a flexible web application, which can be customized to fit your corporate design. The user interface and the templates can be customized with HTML, the CSS file, and JavaScript code.

It is possible to customize the Affiliate panel directly from the merchant panel. Merchants can customize the affiliate panel’s logo, header, footer, and the order of the items in the affiliate menu.

The Merchant panel can be customized by selecting which columns they want to see and setting preferences for how they are displayed or organized. The ability to customize allows merchants to reach their specific goals.

User Interface

Mass payments

Affiliate management software such as Post Affiliate Pro lets you select an unlimited number of payout options. With each payout option, you can add an unlimited number of fields that an affiliate advertiser must fill out to be paid.

A mass payment is a way to pay several recipients simultaneously online. Rather than assembling each recipient’s payment information individually, users can upload a spreadsheet with all the necessary information or use a mass payments API. Mass payments can be set up as one-time transactions, by action clicks, by conversions, or as recurring automatic payments. 

As well as being faster, easier, and more environmentally friendly than mailing checks, recipients appreciate receiving their money more quickly and securely, improving the payer’s reputation.

post affiliate pro configuration payouts options

Multilingual support

All text should be translated within your affiliate platform. Users can edit the language translations on the fly to update missing ones. The Post Affiliate Pro software is available in 36 languages, and new translations are added monthly. These translations are maintained by members of the Post Affiliate Pro community. As part of our commitment to supporting translations into new languages, we offer a percent (%) discount to our translation partners.

post affiliate pro configuration languages

Multiple Merchants

In Post Affiliate Pro, this is an optional feature that allows you to have multiple merchant roles in the same affiliate program. You can assign your merchants to different roles, each with different permissions.

As your company grows, you’ll definitely need to create different teams and departments. If your product goes international, you may have to have a branch in a different country. Our solution will protect you from fraud and other mishaps since you remain in control despite the merchant’s location. And with other reports like audit logs, you won’t miss anything in your affiliate platform. Besides ensuring great ROI, this also ensures a feeling of security since nothing will pass the front desk without being noticed.


With Post Affiliate Pro, you have a lot of control over how your application looks. It lets you choose a theme that resembles a standard web application. Among the many features of this software is its ability to pick from several predefined themes. You can even customize our default themes to match your corporate website.

User Interface

Multiple Currencies

Merchants can register sales in multiple currencies and convert commissions into the currency of their choice. During configuration, you will select the default currency, which will automatically convert all commissions into that currency.

Having multiple currencies available on your platform gives you the ability to cater to affiliates worldwide. You never know who your next affiliate partner may be. Your platform should be able to convert currencies for them. Whether or not it’s cutting-edge, it certainly saves your affiliates time and saves you money.

Easy-to-navigate interface with each plan
Post Affiliate Pro has been carefully designed to bring the best user experience to each affiliate marketer. Try it out today with our free trial!
Try today
Easy-to-navigate interface with each plan

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you customize your interface in any affiliate platform?

    It is possible to customize your platform in Post Affiliate Pro for it to suit your corporate style.

  • Can I keep track of all payments in this software?

    All payments can be tracked, exported to PDF, and organized in your affiliate platform.

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