–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Multiple currencies

If you sell your products in multiple countries and price them based on their local currencies, you will usually need to track affiliate commissions in multiple currencies.

Post Affiliate Pro allows merchants to register sales in multiple currencies and convert commissions into the default currency. All commissions are internally converted into the default currency, which you will select during the configuration process. For each additional currency, you can define the exchange rate which will be used during the registration of the sale for converting the registered sale value to the default currency.

You can use an automatic exchange rate updater, and our software will automatically update the exchange rate of your other currencies once a day. This function relies on an API service provided by the European Central Bank (3rd party). For the exact rates of the supported currencies, you can check the Euro foreign exchange reference rates.


Post Affiliate Pro allows you to add any additional existing currency by clicking the Add currency button. You will now see a new line in the multiple currencies grid. Next, edit the cells in the grid and fill in the details of the new currency. Don’t forget to click on the Save modified rows button to save your currency changes.

Multiple currencies
Go worldwide with commissions
Post Affiliate Pro's commission features work with multiple currencies so you can collaborate with affiliates all over the world. Try it out today!
Try today
Go worldwide with commissions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an automatic exchange rate updater?

    If you use our automatic exchange rate updater function, our software will update currency exchange rates of your other currencies once a day automatically.

GDPR is intended to increase the protection of personal data for EU citizens. See our article for more information.

Privacy And The EU General Data Protection Regulation

Post Affiliate Pro is GDPR compliant, with strategies to meet criteria since May 2018. It securely stores customer data and offers a robust affiliate program.

Our designers have been developing an entirely new theme for Post Affiliate Pro over the last few months. Go ahead and check it out now.

News: Panel Theme & Audit Log

Discover affiliate programs such as Infolinks, LinkShare, MaxBounty, and Mobidea, offering various marketing services and specialties. Post Affiliate Pro also provides updates and new plugins for businesses to choose the right program.

Post Affiliate Pro mobile apps have just been updated to version Check out the key improvements that we made.

New Update – Post Affiliate Pro

Increase affiliate marketing revenue with Post Affiliate Pro. Sign up now to access your account and start building your dashboard.

Post Affiliate Pro is committed to privacy, security, compliance, and transparency. It is fully compliant with the GDPR regulation.


Post Affiliate Pro is fully GDPR compliant, with strategies in place to meet all criteria. They have a dedicated team and secure data storage.

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