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  • Videos
  • Wix or WordPress For Affiliate Marketing? Which Is Better

Wix or WordPress For Affiliate Marketing? Which Is Better

Wix or Wordpress For Affiliate Marketing? Which Is Better | Greg Gottfried05:43Youtube video: Wix or Wordpress For Affiliate Marketing? Which Is Better
Greg Gottfried


  • price
  • ease of website creation
  • search engine optimization

Video summary

The video compares Wix and WordPress in terms of creating an affiliate marketing website. The five topics covered are price, ease of website creation, search engine optimization, adding blog posts, and ease of customization. WordPress is cheaper but has a steeper learning curve while Wix is more expensive but easier to use. Both platforms have equal SEO capabilities. Adding blog posts is easy on both platforms. Wix is easier to customize and add additional features to the website.


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Wix vs WordPress for Affiliate Marketing

In this video, the speaker compares the pros and cons of using Wix and WordPress for building a niche affiliate marketing website. Here are the top five factors that are discussed:

1. Price

WordPress is the clear winner in terms of price, as it requires only a small monthly fee for hosting, while Wix charges about $15 per month for both hosting and building. However, Wix does offer a free version for users on a tight budget.

2. Ease of Use

While WordPress has a steep learning curve and requires some technical knowledge to get started, Wix is known for being user-friendly and easy to use, providing a drag-and-drop interface to construct the site.

3. SEO Performance

While WordPress has long been known as the better option for SEO, Wix has stepped up its game in recent years with the Wix SEO Wiz, which helps users optimize their sites for search engines more effectively. So, both platforms are equally capable of ranking on Google.

4. Blog Post/Article Creation

Both Wix and WordPress offer simple ways to add new content to the site once it is set up, so they are deemed equally easy to use in this regard.

5. Customization

Wix is much more user-friendly when it comes to adding new features and pages to the site. It's simple to customize the website on Wix, while adding extra features to a WordPress website requires some technical know-how.

In conclusion, the decision on which platform to choose for your affiliate marketing website depends on your budget and technical skills. If you are willing to spend a little extra and prioritize user-friendliness, Wix is the better option. But if you are looking to save some money and aim for versatility, WordPress is still a reliable choice.

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The text discusses the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins and strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and confidently positioning offers for high ticket sales. The text also provides information about a company's affiliate program and invites users to contact the company for more information.

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