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  • Videos
  • Unlocking the Power of Search Arbitrage: Making Money with Low-Cost Clicks

Unlocking the Power of Search Arbitrage: Making Money with Low-Cost Clicks

Unlocking the Power of Search Arbitrage: Making Money with Low-Cost Clicks | Affiliate World Conferences04:18Youtube video: Unlocking the Power of Search Arbitrage: Making Money with Low-Cost Clicks
Affiliate World Conferences


  • Search Arbitrage
  • High Vertical Payouts
  • Underutilized Markets

Video summary

Search arbitrage is about taking advantage of price differences for the same product. By buying traffic on Tabula and sending it to a parked domain that then sends feeds search feeds traffic to Google or Bing or Yahoo, Google or Bing or Yahoo will pay you for that click. Most search ad spend right now is in the US market where the EPCs are the highest. However, there are markets that are doing surprisingly well when it comes to quality of the click that have dirt cheap prices. The speaker has created a hypothesis and tested it, buying clicks in Turkey for a little bit less than 0.7 cents. By focusing on high vertical payouts and where Taboola has low priced, high-quality inventory, the speaker has made a good amount of money in the last few weeks, making between 30 to 100 Roi. The US isn't the only lucrative market, and the rest of the world is a market that is absolutely underutilized for search arbitrage.


Dig Deeper

What is Search Arbitrage?

Search Arbitrage is a method of taking advantage of price differences for the same product or service in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. As an advertiser, you can buy traffic on platforms like Taboola and send it to a parked domain that then feeds search traffic to Google or other search engines. Google or other search engines then pay you for that click. This method allows advertisers to earn profits by buying cheap clicks on platforms like Taboola and selling traffic to search engines like Google at a higher price.

The Global Market for Search Arbitrage

Currently, around 80% of search ad spend is in the US market, where Google search advertisers are willing to pay the most for a click. However, in the rest of the world, the click prices on platforms like Taboola do not compare to the click prices on Google. For instance, the average CPC in 2021 in Italy was four cents, while the average CPC for a desktop click in the US was closer to 65 cents. Advertisers can use this market difference to their advantage by targeting high payout verticals, such as dental insurance, divorce lawyers, plumbing, car insurance, or debt offers with high margins that they can buy at a cheaper price on platforms like Taboola and sell at a high price on search engines like Google.

Impact of Search Arbitrage on Affiliate Marketing Industry

The impact of search arbitrage in the affiliate marketing industry is significant, as publishers can earn more for their clicks from search engines by buying traffic on platforms like Taboola. With the abundance of high-quality inventory on platforms like Taboola, advertisers can target markets outside the US and earn substantial profits with minimal investment. Search arbitrage is now a popular method for many publishers and advertisers who wish to expand their traffic sources and earn higher ROI.

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