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  • Videos
  • Turn Strangers Into Repeat Customers With Content Marketing Psychology

Turn Strangers Into Repeat Customers With Content Marketing Psychology

Turn Strangers Into Repeat Customers With Content Marketing Psychology | Affiliate World Conferences03:38Youtube video: Turn Strangers Into Repeat Customers With Content Marketing Psychology
Affiliate World Conferences


  • Importance of content marketing
  • Psychology of familiarity and cognitive biases
  • Making customers' buying decision their own

Video summary

The video discusses the importance of content marketing, and how it can be used to drive sales without focusing solely on deals or pricing. By frequently touching customers through content, they are more likely to buy from the brand. The speaker distinguishes between a call to action and a buying decision, and explains how content can lead to a reflex response. Additionally, the video highlights the power of familiarity in shaping perceptions and beliefs, and how feeding customers content before offering a product can make it their idea to come to the brand. The three main topics discussed are the importance of content marketing, the psychology of familiarity and cognitive biases, and the benefits of making customers' buying decisions their own.


Dig Deeper

How Content Can Boost Your Sales Without Price Promotion

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves creating, publishing, and distributing content to a targeted audience. With content marketing, businesses can drive profitable customer action without talking about a deal or price promotion. The more frequently a business touches its customers with valuable content, the more they are likely to buy from the business.

The Difference Between a Call to Action and a Buying Decision

A call to action is an ask for a response, while buying decision is a process people go through to determine which product is best for them. A successful call to action creates a reflex response from the audience. To train people to have reflexive response to a call to action, businesses can use content marketing to create familiarity with their brand and their content.

The Role of Content in Shaping People’s Opinion

Content marketing helps people form an opinion about a brand, an idea, or a product solution to their problems. Even before a business offers a product, it can use content marketing to control touchpoints and create a reason for people to visit stores without talking about a deal or price. As people become more familiar with the brand and content, they find it hard to distinguish familiarity from truth. The more they see a message repeatedly, the more they believe it to be true.

Ugly Truths About People and Sales

Honesty is completely manipulative. People use honesty as a tool to engineer certain feelings in other people. Offering people an offer gives them something to resist. People can't resist what they can't detect. People sometimes believe what you tell them, but they never doubt what they themselves conclude. If businesses provide content before customers are ready to buy a product, they make it the customer's idea to come to them. In this way, businesses can take advantage of people's cognitive biases and psychology to create repeat customers.

The Impact of Content Marketing on Affiliate Marketing Industry

Content marketing has a significant impact on the affiliate marketing industry. By using content to create familiarity and shape people's opinion, businesses can influence customers' buying decision without talking about price or deals. This means that businesses can leverage affiliate marketing to offer more value to their customers, leading to more profitable customer actions.

Hiring writers can help affiliate marketers scale their businesses by delegating content creation and ensuring high-quality content.

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Hiring writers can help affiliate marketers scale their businesses by delegating content creation and ensuring high-quality content.

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The text discusses the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins and strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and confidently positioning offers for high ticket sales. The text also provides information about a company's affiliate program and invites users to contact the company for more information.

Solar energy affiliate marketing is a growing industry with great potential for affiliates to earn a steady income by promoting solar products. This niche allows for educating potential customers about the benefits of switching to renewable energy sources and contributing positively to the environment. Choosing the right niche is crucial for success in affiliate marketing.

Top 10 Niches For Affiliate Marketing In 2023

Buyer personas are essential for tailoring marketing efforts to address customer needs. Content marketing plays a significant role in building trust and driving sales. Hiring writers can help scale businesses by ensuring high-quality content.

Understanding reader intent is crucial in affiliate marketing. It helps in serving the right audience and boosting engagement and brand loyalty. The affiliate marketing sweet spot occurs when content, affiliates, and reader intent overlap, leading to success. Affiliate marketers should focus on understanding and serving customer needs to attain marketing success.

Understanding Search Intent and Why It Matters

Understanding reader intent is crucial in affiliate marketing. It helps in serving the right audience and boosting engagement and brand loyalty. The affiliate marketing sweet spot occurs when content, affiliates, and reader intent overlap, leading to success. Affiliate marketers should focus on understanding and serving customer needs to attain marketing success.

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