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  • Videos
  • The Missing Piece Of Your Facebook Organic Marketing Strategy

The Missing Piece Of Your Facebook Organic Marketing Strategy

The Missing Piece Of Your Facebook Organic Marketing Strategy? | Jamie Gardiner04:48Youtube video: The Missing Piece Of Your Facebook Organic Marketing Strategy?
Jamie Gardiner


  • Importance of authority in Facebook organic marketing
  • Developing authority over time
  • Coupling authority with an incredible offer

Video summary

This video discusses the importance of authority in Facebook organic marketing in 2022. The speaker explains that authority is the missing element for those who are not yet making enough sales. They mention that authority can be developed over time through various methods such as showcasing awards, financial results, content creation, and showcasing results of students. The speaker emphasizes the importance of coupling authority with an incredible offer to have price elasticity and make sales. They also mention that consistently putting out content over time helps to grow authority.


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The Missing Piece to Crushing It Online

If you're a high ticket affiliate marketer or coach who has been doing Facebook organic marketing in 2022 and beyond, but you're not seeing the sales you desire, there might be one missing piece in your strategy. In this blog post, we'll discuss that missing piece and how it can impact the affiliate marketing industry.

The Three Core Elements of Your Business

In order to understand the missing piece, let's break down your business into three core elements:

  1. Incredible Offer: Your offer should solve the problems of your target market. It's like gift wrapping your opportunity and presenting it to the marketplace.

  2. Conversion Method: You need a method to convert leads into buyers. This could be through persuasive sales techniques, funnel optimization, or other conversion strategies.

  3. Building an Audience: Traffic and audience building are crucial for any business. You need to attract potential customers and build relationships with them.

The Power of Authority

While all three core elements are important, the missing piece is your authority. Authority is what makes people trust you and be willing to invest in your offer, even without knowing the details. It's the reason why big-name marketers can charge high prices for their mastermind programs and people will gladly pay.

Developing Authority

If you're in the early stages of your business, developing authority may seem challenging. However, it's not impossible. Here are some ways you can start developing authority:

  • Share your financial results: If you're experiencing success in your business, such as getting inbound leads, increased engagement, or hitting revenue milestones, communicate this to your audience. It helps build credibility and momentum.

  • Waving your awards around: If you've received any awards or recognition in your industry, use them to showcase your expertise and authority.

  • Develop relationships with your audience: Engage with your followers, build a community, and provide valuable content consistently. This helps establish yourself as an authority figure in your niche over time.

  • Showcase results from your students: As your students start experiencing success through your program, share their results. It demonstrates that your methods work and solidifies your authority.

The Impact on the Affiliate Marketing Industry

Developing authority is not only beneficial for your own business but also for the affiliate marketing industry as a whole. When marketers have authority, they can effectively promote affiliate products and services. Their audience trusts their recommendations, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue for both the marketer and the affiliate programs they promote.

In conclusion, if you're not seeing the desired sales in your Facebook organic marketing efforts, the missing piece might be authority. Developing your authority through financial results, awards, relationships with your audience, and showcasing student success can significantly impact your sales and overall success in the affiliate marketing industry. Start working on building your authority today to see the difference it can make in your business.

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