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  • Videos
  • Let’s Brainstorm Some Products!

Let’s Brainstorm Some Products!

Exercise 2: Let's Brainstorm Some Products! | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Agora - Amazon Affiliates App01:55Youtube video: Exercise 2: Let's Brainstorm Some Products! | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Agora - Amazon Affiliates App


  • Brainstorming Amazon products
  • Understanding audience goals
  • Researching products to address goals

Video summary

In this video, the speaker discusses brainstorming Amazon products to promote in a niche market. The first step is to list out the audience's goals or things they want to accomplish. Then, the speaker suggests adding the words 'so that' and completing the sentence to understand the underlying reasons for these goals. This information can be helpful in creating content about affiliate products. Next, the speaker advises researching products that can help address the audience's goals. The audience is also encouraged to consider what pain points they want to make disappear and what products can help with that. Finally, the speaker mentions the importance of considering what the audience is running away from and finding products to address those concerns. The video concludes by noting that this is just the beginning of building a list of product ideas.


Dig Deeper

Brainstorming Amazon Products for Your Niche

Now that you have a clear understanding of your niche, it's time to brainstorm Amazon products that are related to your niche and could be worth promoting. This exercise will help you generate a list of potential products that will be useful for future content creation and affiliate marketing.

For this exercise, let's use the example audience of new business owners who have just secured their first dedicated office space. Start by listing out the "whats" or things that people in your niche might want to accomplish. Try to come up with as many as you can.

Next to each "what," add the words "so that" and complete the sentence. In other words, think about the reasons why people want to achieve those goals. This will help you understand the underlying needs and motivations of your audience.

For example, one "what" for our example audience could be "setting up an efficient workspace." The "so that" could be "increase productivity and workflow." This exercise helps you link people's needs to the reasons why they want to fulfill those needs.

Now, from the table you've just built, it's time to research products that can help address your audience's "whats," which in turn, will address their "whys." Start putting together a list of products that align with the goals and needs of your target audience.

Your list can be as simple as a bullet-point list of product ideas that you found while doing your research. Make sure these products are relevant to your niche and can provide value to your audience.

If you're finding it difficult to come up with "whats" for your audience, consider the following prompts:

- If your audience could wave a magic wand and make a pain point disappear, what would it be? List out the pain points and research products that could potentially solve them.

- What are your audience running away from? Instead of focusing on what they are running towards, think about the problems or challenges they want to avoid. List them out and find products that can help with those issues.

By completing this exercise, you will have a nice list of potential product ideas that you can further explore in your affiliate marketing efforts. Remember, it's crucial to choose products that truly meet the needs and desires of your audience to maximize your success in the affiliate marketing industry.

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