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  • Videos
  • How To Clean Up WordPress

How To Clean Up WordPress

How To Clean Up Wordpress - Affiliate Website Masterclass | Dom Bavaro05:20Youtube video: How To Clean Up Wordpress - Affiliate Website Masterclass
Dom Bavaro


  • WordPress plugin clean up
  • site performance
  • Jetpack account setup

Video summary

In this video, the speaker discusses how to clean up stock WordPress plugins and create a blank slate for building a proper website. They emphasize that deleting unnecessary plugins will improve site performance and search rankings. The speaker shows how to deactivate and uninstall all unnecessary plugins, except for Akismet and Jetpack. They then explain the benefits of setting up a Jetpack account, such as increasing organic traffic and accessing reliable stats through the WordPress app. They also mention the importance of having a faster site and recommend using the WP Rocket site accelerator. The speaker concludes by mentioning the setup of an anti-spam plugin and enabling automatic updates for all plugins.


Dig Deeper

How to Clean Up Stock WordPress Plugins

In this video, the author shares a step-by-step process to clean up the stock WordPress plugins and create a blank canvas for building a proper website. The video emphasizes the importance of removing unnecessary plugins that are often suggested by companies partnered with WordPress, as they can slow down the website and negatively impact its performance.

The process starts by accessing the WordPress dashboard and navigating to the plugins section. From there, the video instructs the viewer to deactivate and uninstall all plugins except for two: Akismet and Jetpack. These two plugins are recommended to be kept, as they serve important functions.

Setting Up Jetpack

Jetpack is a plugin that allows users to connect their WordPress website with WordPress.com. The video explains that using Jetpack has a few benefits. Firstly, it enables the website's posts and content to appear on WordPress.com, potentially attracting organic traffic to the site. Additionally, Jetpack provides a convenient way to track website statistics through the WordPress app on a mobile device.

To set up Jetpack, the viewer is guided through the process of creating a Jetpack account or linking an existing account to their website. They are then shown how to configure Jetpack settings, such as enabling the site accelerator for improved speed and considering the use of related posts (if not using a different theme that already provides this feature).

Setting Up Anti-Spam Plugin

The video also covers the setup of an anti-spam plugin. The recommended plugin is not specified, but the video shows the process using a plugin that integrates with Jetpack. The settings for the anti-spam plugin are shown, including the option to discard the most pervasive spam without displaying it and the inclusion of a privacy notice to comply with GDPR regulations.

To ensure smooth operation and security, the video suggests enabling automatic updates for both Jetpack and the anti-spam plugin. This feature ensures that the plugins stay up to date without requiring manual intervention from the user.

By following the steps outlined in the video, users can clean up their WordPress site and start with a clean slate, optimizing its performance and usability.

Impact on Affiliate Marketing Industry

While the video does not explicitly discuss the impact of cleaning up stock WordPress plugins on the affiliate marketing industry, it indirectly implies potential benefits. By removing unnecessary plugins and optimizing the website's performance, it can result in a faster and more user-friendly experience for visitors. This, in turn, may lead to improved organic search rankings and increased traffic, positively impacting affiliate marketing efforts. Additionally, having a clean and well-organized website can enhance user trust and credibility, potentially contributing to higher conversion rates for affiliate promotions.

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