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  • Videos
  • How to Achieve an 18% Conversion Rate Through Messenger Marketing

How to Achieve an 18% Conversion Rate Through Messenger Marketing

How to Achieve an 18% Conversion Rate Through Messenger Marketing | Affiliate World Conferences02:21Youtube video: How to Achieve an 18% Conversion Rate Through Messenger Marketing
Affiliate World Conferences


  • data leverage in marketing
  • Ben & Jerry's campaign
  • collecting user data
  • automation in social media interactions

Video summary

The video discusses the importance of leveraging data to personalize marketing and shares a campaign by Ben & Jerry's that collected important user data through offline interactions. The campaign involved engaging users through social media, offering ice cream samples based on user preference, and collecting data through a QR code at a vending machine. The feedback loop from this data helped make the product global, and the video suggests the use of automation in social media interactions to keep users engaged.


Dig Deeper

The Value of Data in Marketing

In the modern age, data is a crucial component in any successful marketing strategy. By leveraging the power of personalization, marketers can create campaigns that are more targeted and ultimately more effective. One example of this is the recent Ben & Jerry's campaign, which collected important data from users while they interacted with the brand offline. This resulted in an impressive collection of 13,000 datasets that were used in a feedback loop to improve the product and expand its reach globally. As this campaign demonstrated, the use of data in marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your business.

Automating User Interactions on Social Media

In order to keep users engaged and interested in a brand, it's important to automate interactions on social media platforms. This prevents users from navigating away from the brand until it's absolutely necessary. By doing so, you can increase conversion rates - which are currently at an impressive 80% when compared to the 1% conversion rate for email. The key is to find ways to keep users engaged with your brand, whether it's through personalized messaging, targeted advertising, or other means.

The Impact on Affiliate Marketing

While the rise of data-driven marketing has had a significant impact on the industry as a whole, the impact on affiliate marketing is particularly noteworthy. With the ability to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources, affiliate marketers can create more effective campaigns that are more targeted towards specific audiences. This has led to an increase in revenue for many companies that have implemented these strategies, making data a must-have component for any successful affiliate marketer.

Overall, the value of data in marketing cannot be overstated. By leveraging this powerful tool, businesses can create more effective campaigns that are more targeted towards specific audiences - resulting in increased engagement, revenue, and growth opportunities.

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The text discusses the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins and strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and confidently positioning offers for high ticket sales. The text also provides information about a company's affiliate program and invites users to contact the company for more information.

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Buyer personas are essential for tailoring marketing efforts to address customer needs. Content marketing plays a significant role in building trust and driving sales. Hiring writers can help scale businesses by ensuring high-quality content.

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Understanding reader intent is crucial in affiliate marketing. It helps in serving the right audience and boosting engagement and brand loyalty. The affiliate marketing sweet spot occurs when content, affiliates, and reader intent overlap, leading to success. Affiliate marketers should focus on understanding and serving customer needs to attain marketing success.

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