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  • Videos
  • Best Places to Buy Affiliate Websites

Best Places to Buy Affiliate Websites

Best Places to Buy Affiliate Websites [Outside the Box] | Matt Diggity02:26Youtube video: Best Places to Buy Affiliate Websites [Outside the Box]
Matt Diggity


  • Purchasing websites
  • Marketplaces
  • Facebook groups

Video summary

This video discusses three different ways to purchase websites and get good deals. The first method is to use marketplaces such as Empire Flippers, FE International, and FlipUp, where websites are evaluated and sold based on a 30 to 40x multiplier on monthly profits. The second method is to find deals through Facebook groups like the Flipping Websites group and Affiliate SEO Mastermind. These groups offer starter sites that haven't gained much traction yet and are priced based on their potential. The third method is to directly negotiate with website owners. The advantage of using marketplaces is that they provide a vetted experience and ensure the quality of the websites. However, finding deals through Facebook groups can be a cheaper alternative. The video emphasizes the importance of choosing websites that are making at least $500 a month.


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Buying Existing Websites

Many professionals in the affiliate SEO field gain an edge by purchasing existing websites. This strategy allows them to benefit from the hard work put in by someone else. In this video, the speaker discusses three different ways to purchase websites and how to get great deals in the process.


One option for purchasing affiliate sites is through marketplaces such as Empire Flippers, FE International, Investors Club, and Flip Up. These marketplaces evaluate websites based on a model that uses a 30 to 40x multiplier on monthly profits, not revenue. For example, if a website is making $1,000 a month, it could sell for about $35,000. The multiplier applies to websites making $100,000, which could sell for $350,000. However, it's important to note that these marketplaces have a minimum requirement, typically sites making at least $500 a month. Therefore, if you choose this option, you should be prepared to spend a minimum of $15,000.

One advantage of using marketplaces is that they provide vetted experiences. They ensure that you don't end up buying a lemon by vetting the seller and checking the backlinks. However, these marketplaces focus only on sites that can generate profits, so they won't bother with deals or websites that won't make them any money.

Facebook Groups

A cheaper alternative to marketplaces is finding deals through Facebook groups. Some examples of relevant groups are the Flipping Websites group and the Affiliate SEO Mastermind group. In these groups, you can look for "starter sites" that haven't taken off yet or don't have significant earnings. These sites may have a good amount of content or a strong starting point, but they haven't quite broken through. As they don't fit the traditional valuation model, you price these sites based on their potential and the amount of content already available. The goal is to make the seller feel emotionally okay about the time they put into a project that didn't quite work out.

One example of a purchased website mentioned in the video was bought for $1.5k. It had a nice branded domain and, with some additional work, is now generating $25,000 a month. This method of acquiring websites is the speaker's primary approach.

Impact on the Affiliate Marketing Industry

The strategy of buying existing websites has a significant impact on the affiliate marketing industry. It allows professionals to skip the initial stages of developing a website and getting it out of the sandbox. Instead, they can acquire websites that are already established and generating revenue. This approach saves time and effort while providing an edge in a competitive industry.

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The text discusses the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins and strategies for boosting earnings in affiliate marketing. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and confidently positioning offers for high ticket sales. The text also provides information about a company's affiliate program and invites users to contact the company for more information.

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Understanding reader intent is crucial in affiliate marketing. It helps in serving the right audience and boosting engagement and brand loyalty. The affiliate marketing sweet spot occurs when content, affiliates, and reader intent overlap, leading to success. Affiliate marketers should focus on understanding and serving customer needs to attain marketing success.

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