–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.


Post Affiliate Pro is a robust software that provides a wide range of analytics to help you succeed in affiliate marketing. Here is a brief overview of some important reporting metrics which you can find on the Post Affiliate Pro platform. Moreover, each dashboard can be customized to a user’s preferences, so any of these reports can be displayed at the top of your page.

Your Trends Report shows data fields and charts that illustrate your transaction trends. This report shows you how your affiliate program is performing. Filters allow you to view your transactions by date, status, campaign, and affiliate.

Utilizing affiliate marketing trends can assist marketers in predicting what affiliate marketing strategies will perform best in the upcoming year by assessing what has worked in the past and what customers currently value.

Trends reports

Map Overlay

Post Affiliate Pro features a powerful Map Overlay Report that lets you see information about your website visitors based on their geographic location. It allows marketers to determine which countries their affiliate programs are performing well in, and which are in need of different affiliate marketing strategies.

By understanding where your website visitors come from, you can design an e-marketing strategy that maximizes budgets in regions that produce the greatest ROI, while minimizing expenditures in areas outside your operational geographic scope or regions that are unable to generate the desired results.

Post Affiliate Pro - reports map overlay

Top Affiliates

The Top Affiliates Report displays a list of affiliates in your affiliate program ordered by their performance. The performance parameters can be used to rank your affiliates by the number of sales, total sale value, commissions, conversions, and impressions, among others.

Managing affiliate software successfully depends on the ability to compare your affiliates and identify super affiliates. To ensure that your super affiliates are motivated to sell your products and to improve their sales skills, you have to keep them motivated by rewarding them when possible.

Post Affiliate Pro reports - top affiliates

Top Campaigns and Banners reports

What are Campaigns?

In marketing campaigns, products are promoted in a variety of ways, but the most popular method is online. Campaigns can include demonstrations, videos, and other interactive techniques, in addition to advertising. This is helpful in explaining your services and promoting your brand.

After the campaign has ended, incentives can help you follow up with customers. In Post Affiliate Pro, we use this term for various commission structures.

B2B sales strategies require marketing campaigns. You can use this tool to keep in touch with current clients or find new ones. If you possess an effective strategy, you will be able to capture a customer’s attention and stand out among the crowd. 

Post Affiliate Pro - Campaign manager

What are Banners?

Banners are graphic images that run from top to bottom or from one side to the other of a website or digital media property. In Post Affiliate Pro, the term banner points to any type of promotional material, including that which is non-graphic.

Affiliate marketers can use banners as a way to promote their products or services, and provide visual advertisements that entice prospects to engage with them. Clickbait teasers are an excellent way to encourage people to click a link, sign up, or learn more on your website. 

An attractive banner ad will grab the reader’s attention and get them curious about the product or service being advertised. The majority of them use images rather than text to express their message. Static images or animations are both used.

You can boost your brand’s online visibility and make your products and services more visible through banner advertising. These advertisements can not only generate new leads, but also encourage people to try your products or services or sign up for your email list. Furthermore, they make retargeting your audience easy, and visitors who have yet to purchase your product or subscribe to your service will be reminded.

Knowledge base resources

Learn more about campaigns and banners in Post Affiliate Pro

Why are these reports important?

By using these reports, you can compare, modify, and optimize your banners and campaigns. You can fine-tune your marketing efforts by tracking metrics to determine which methods produce results and which do not. Knowing which banners catch the eye of the most visitors or which campaign strategy yields the best results is invaluable.

Metrics that Post Affiliate Pro can provide include active affiliates, click-through rate, conversions, and traffic.

Top URLs

Adding identifiers to URLs allows affiliate merchants to determine which marketing channels are performing well, as well as identify content that generates referral traffic and sales.

The most effective affiliate marketing campaign can be pinpointed down to the exact message or topic when you add a unique tracking code to each marketing activity. Merchants can easily track which content is generating conversions in their marketing campaign and which is not by using URL tracking.

Campaign managers can do a better job of managing their campaigns with URL tracking. The ROI analysis can be used to identify which activities provide the greatest return so that resources and time can be allocated wisely. It is possible to see accurate results even on the smallest budget.

Post Affiliate Pro reports  - top referring URLs

Online users

Post Affiliate Pro’s Online Users Report shows you who is logged into your installation in real-time. For companies with affiliates and merchants around the world, this feature is beneficial. Merchants are able to track partner location and performance in their respective areas.

With knowledge of where your customers come from, you can create an e-marketing strategy that maximizes your budgets in regions that generate the highest ROI, while minimizing expenditures in areas either outside of your operational scope or that do not yield sufficient ROI.

Audit log

Post Affiliate Pro includes an audit log feature that provides documentation of the sequence of activities undertaken by your merchants and affiliate partners. It gives you a comprehensive overview of all operations, procedures, events, actions taken, and more in your Post Affiliate Pro account.

Keeping track of how frequently employees access files and documents can offer auditors insight into who is accessing them. In addition to learning about user activity, you can use audit logs to improve efficiency, security, and performance. Administrators, network engineers, help desk staff, and software developers may use log audits internally to improve performance, increase accountability, and maintain stable systems. Maintaining log files gives you a historical view of activity, so you don’t miss important changes.

Post Affiliate Pro - Audit log

Quick Report

Post Affiliate Pro has a feature in which you can view a quick overview of all the KPIs in your affiliate marketing platform. It can provide you with valuable insight into the trends in your affiliate program in real-time so that you can optimize and customize your affiliate marketing strategy based on the data.

Post Affiliate Pro’s quick report feature provides a comprehensive look at your affiliates and campaigns with a fast, simple, and reliable solution. You can analyze details such as impressions, clicks, CTRs, sales, commissions, and much more. Your panel can even be customized to show you the reports that are most relevant to you first.

Stay on top with comprehensive reports!
Post Affiliate Pro offers extensive analytics and reporting features as a part of the package.
Get started today!
Stay on top with comprehensive reports!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are trend reports important in affiliate marketing?

    Analyzing what has worked in the past and what customers value in the current year will help you predict what affiliate marketing techniques will be most effective in the upcoming year.

  • What is a quick report?

    The quick report is an available feature in Post Affiliate Pro that gives you a quick look at all the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’re tracking.

  • How can the audit log help my affiliate marketing?

    An audit log can help improve performance, increase accountability, and ensure system stability for businesses.

Discover the latest updates and bug fixes in Post Affiliate Pro to enjoy a more seamless and efficient experience!

Post Affiliate Pro – The Latest Enhancements and Fixes in May 2023

Post Affiliate Pro has made several improvements and bug fixes in May, including enabling the visitor ID column for commission lists and fixing issues with notifications and affiliate invoices. They have also made enhancements to the affiliate signup process and added new search options to transaction details.

A successful affiliate marketing campaign starts with excellent content. Check out the top tips for writing highly converting affiliate marketing copy.

How to Write Highly-Converting Affiliate Marketing Copy

Learn how to write highly-converting affiliate marketing copy by focusing on the reader, utilizing SEO, creating customer personas, and incorporating social proof. Keep it short and sweet, use numbers and verbs, and don't be afraid to A/B test. Tools like Grammarly, Ahrefs, and Hemingway can help improve your writing.

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Post Affiliate Pro offers a robust software for affiliate marketing with customizable interface, multiple languages and currencies, commission options, and fraud protection.

How can you get the most out of your marketing strategy? Here are the best affiliate marketing tools you can use to run a successful program.

9 affiliate marketing tools that’ll help you run your affiliate program

Boost your affiliate marketing campaign with these tools: Omnisend for email campaigns, Mediatoolkit for social listening, Kontentino for social media management, Warmup Your Email for inbox delivery, LiveWebinar for hosting webinars, and Landingi for creating attractive landing pages.

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