–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

  • Features
  • Campaign, banner, and affiliate report

Campaign, banner, and affiliate report

What is a campaign in Post Affiliate Pro?

In Post Affiliate Pro, the term “campaign” describes various commission structures. Commissions are a way for merchants to reward affiliates for advertising and directing traffic to their websites. There are different kinds of commissions, such as action commissions, recurring commissions, lifetime commissions, or split commissions. The commission type determines how the commission is paid, for instance, a per-click commission, a membership commission, etc.

Campaigns are also often used for reporting purposes, offering valuable statistics. You can manage your campaigns from your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel under “Campaigns” > “Campaign Manager”. In this section, you’ll find a list of all your campaigns that you can edit, add, and delete.

What is a banner?

Banners are one of the most common types of advertising materials used to market products, services, or websites. A banner can be an animated GIF, image, or short video, depending on the marketing strategy of the company. They are typically found on affiliate websites and aim to redirect visitors to a merchant’s website.

In Post Affiliate Pro, you can choose from the following banner options:

  • Banner Rotators
  • HTML Banners
  • Image banners
  • Lightbox banners
  • PDF banners
  • Zip banners
  • Text link banners
  • Peel banners

Why are banner ads important?

The best banner ads will grab a website visitor’s attention and get them curious about the product or service being advertised. Most of them are bright, have an inviting tone, and convey their message through images rather than text; they can be either static or animated.

With banner advertising, you can grow your brand’s online presence and make your products and services more visible to people. In addition to generating leads with this type of advertising, these ads can also encourage people to convert – try your products or services or even sign up for your email list.

example of image banner
Example of image banner

What is an affiliate report?

An affiliate report is a document or analysis that provides insights into the performance and effectiveness of an affiliate marketing program. It typically includes various metrics, data, and analytics such as sources of traffic, conversion rates, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success and profitability of your affiliate program.

What can you view in the Post Affiliate Pro reports?

Reports provide accurate information about your affiliate campaigns and banners so you can compare, modify, and optimize them. Here are some examples of the metrics Post Affiliate Pro can provide.

Best-performing affiliates

Outstanding work deserves rewards. Identifying the best-performing affiliates that bring the most conversions to your website helps you reward them accordingly and learn from their successful techniques.

The Top Affiliates Report lists affiliates based on their performance within an affiliate program. You can find these reports in the Merchant panel > Reports. Each report lists affiliates based on metrics such as sales, commissions, clicks, click-through ratio, conversion ratio, etc.

Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate (CTR) is a tracking metric that keeps track of how many links are clicked in comparison to how many impressions the advertisement receives.

Such a metric can quickly reveal both high and low points in affiliate marketing strategies. Additionally, you can determine the link performance based on the number of clicks a particular link receives.


Conversions are the ultimate objective of affiliate marketing. Conversions occur when visitors complete a desired action (joining a newsletter, making a purchase, etc.) on a website.

Affiliates with the most conversions bring the most traffic to your website and deserve appropriate compensation. Tracking conversions can also help pinpoint the best and worst-performing campaigns.


The number of visitors or users visiting a website or blog is measured as traffic or usage. An increased amount of traffic means more impressions and, potentially, more conversions for a blog or website.

Using website traffic information can help affiliate marketers understand how visitors react to certain marketing strategies (e.g., promotional materials, ads, links, and reviews).

post affiliate pro campaigns overview

Why are these features important in affiliate marketing?

Tracking metrics in affiliate marketing helps both advertisers and affiliates to determine which methods generate results and which do not, so that they can improve their marketing efforts accordingly. Furthermore, companies can identify which affiliates bring in the most customers and tailor their partnerships accordingly.

Maximize your affiliate success
Unleash the Power of campaign banner and affiliate reporting features with Post Affiliate Pro. Get started today!
Try today
Maximize your affiliate success

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What metrics are important in affiliate marketing?

    Metrics that you should pay attention to include ROI, sales, commissions, click-through rate, clicks and impressions, conversions, and traffic. Generating comprehensive reports can help you track these metrics more effectively.

  • What is a campaign in Post Affiliate Pro?

    In Post Affiliate Pro, the term ‘campaign’ refers to different types of commission structures. You can also use this term for reporting purposes and for evaluating statistics on products or commissions.

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