–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Lightbox banners

What is a lightbox banner?

The lightbox banner is a type of interactive ad that uses images to grab users’ attention. It opens every time the page with the banner code loads. Mostad types drive traffic or generate leads. The purpose of lightbox ads, however, is to build brand awareness through engagement.

To set it up, click Configuration > Features in the merchant panel and reload the application after you activate the feature. Now that you’ve reloaded the application, you can create your Lightbox banners in the Banners manager.

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Are lightbox banners right for your marketing strategy?

Depending on the campaign’s objective, you can use lightbox banner ads in various industries. However, they are mostly used in eCommerce. The lightbox banner displays a clickable image that the merchant adds in the banner settings. After the visitor clicks on this image, they are redirected to the merchant’s landing page.

Thank you for browsing our shop

Since they have to hover over the Lightbox ad to expand it, your target audience will be more engaged and considered more qualitative. As a result, your audience will be able to learn about and understand your products better.

Since they have to hover over the Lightbox ad to expand it, your target audience will be more engaged and considered more qualitative. As a result, your audience will be able to learn about and understand your products better.

By using lightbox banners, you can reach the right audience at the right time. The ads can be targeted according to various criteria (remarketing, audiences, topics, etc.), and you pay only when visitors click on them. An advertisement is considered engaged when someone clicks on it and keeps the page open for more than 3 seconds.

Along with creating compelling content, you can adjust your ad format to achieve your advertising goals.

This type of advertising aims to deliver more engaging customer experiences that stand out to both new and loyal customers. With engaging content like online videos, catalog promotions, and ads encouraging exploration, you can satisfy more customers and quickly expand your client base.

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Lightbox banners are just one part of Post Affiliate Pro's promotional feature set that's included in each plan. Try it out today!
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are lightbox banners beneficial?

    Lightbox banners allow you to create memorable content which will increase engagement and awareness. It not only boosts your revenue by effectively marketing your products and services but also keeps customers engaged and improves their overall satisfaction.

  • What are lightbox banners?

    A lightbox banner is an interactive ad that uses images, videos, or a combination of both, to quickly capture the users’ attention.

Learn about the Adswedmedia Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Adswedmedia Affiliate Program

Adswedmedia, a digital services platform, offers an affiliate program with global reach, no explicit content, and a minimum payout of $5.

A successful affiliate marketing campaign starts with excellent content. Check out the top tips for writing highly converting affiliate marketing copy.

How to Write Highly-Converting Affiliate Marketing Copy

Learn how to write highly-converting affiliate marketing copy by focusing on the reader, utilizing SEO, creating customer personas, and incorporating social proof. Keep it short and sweet, use numbers and verbs, and don't be afraid to A/B test. Tools like Grammarly, Ahrefs, and Hemingway can help improve your writing.

Learn about the Xlinkinfomedia Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Xlinkinfomedia Affiliate Program

Xlinkinfomedia is a mobile and desktop advertising agency that offers an affiliate program with direct and semi-direct campaigns. The program has rules for campaigns, accepted traffic sources, and policies on explicit, religious, and political content. The fixed commission structure offers a minimum payout of $500- $1000, with a commission rate of 5%. Offer18 affiliate software is used to manage worldwide portfolios, and the affiliate manager is Jitender Kumar. A free 14-day trial is available for those interested in building their own affiliate program.

Learn about the Adslaney Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Adslaney Affiliate Program

Adslaney is a marketing and affiliate network that offers digital services. They have an affiliate program with fixed commissions and a minimum payout of $10.

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