–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Map overlay report

What is a Map Overlay Report?

A Map Overlay Report is a powerful feature available in Post Affiliate Pro that shows you the view of the geographical segmentation of data tracked by Post Affiliate Pro (affiliate clicks, sales and banner impressions). Using this feature, you can identify countries where your affiliate program is performing well and those where you need to try other affiliate marketing strategies. It is necessary to first enable the GeoIP Core plugin and the Post Affiliate Pro GeoIP feature in order to use Map Overlay Report.

What are the benefits of geotracking?

In Map Overlay Report, you can see multiple map overlays monitoring different parameters of your affiliate program. You can see the total revenue generated from other countries, including commissions by country, sales count by country, raw impressions, or raw clicks by country. You can see the same statistical data in the sortable table under the world map.

Map Overlay Reports is part of the Post Affiliate Pro GeoIP feature that determines a visitors’ location. With this knowledge, you can set up country-specific commissions and use SmartLinks to route visitors from different countries to specific landing pages.

You can also use this information to consider expanding your geographic scope if you notice substantial numbers of clicks coming from outside your geotargets. Thus, the Map Overlay feature can be extremely valuable in helping you uncover new markets and opportunities.

Post Affiliate Pro - Map overlay report

How can Map Overlay save you time and money?

In recent years, GeoIP technology has achieved a number of milestones in the detection of online credit card fraud. The Map Overlay Report feature allows users to filter transactions by country and set up fraud protection based on a visitor’s location.

Knowledge base resources

Learn more about Map overlay report

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Map overlay Report?

    A Map Overlay Report is a powerful feature available in Post Affiliate pro that shows you to view geographical segmentation data of your website visitors around the world.

  • Why are map overlay reports important?

    By localizing your affiliate marketing communications and campaigns to target areas, you greatly improve your chance of conversion, since you will be able to increase the relevance of your advertisement.

If you are looking for a powerful ClickMeter Affiliate alternative, consider Post Affiliate Pro. Read on here

Need a ClickMeter alternative?

Boost your sales with Post Affiliate Pro, a versatile and mobile-friendly software that offers solid customer support and no limits on campaigns or affiliates.

Peel banner has a flash animation embedded. It can be displayed in the left top corner, right top corner or both top corners.

Peel banners

Interactive, in-depth marketing strategies like peel banners help engage audiences, making them superior to static content. The competition is fierce, so staying ahead is crucial.

Make your account more secure with 2-step verification and prevent anyone from obtaining your sensitive information.

2-step verification

The process for setting up 2-step verification in Post Affiliate Pro is the same for both merchants and affiliates, through the Edit profile section.

Using zip files, you can store files of any type, including images, binary documents, text documents and more and can use all affiliate variables.

Zip Banners

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