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Industry, and Tips and Guides

How to Use Videos for Affiliate Marketing

Andrej Csizmadia

August 20, 2019
Last modified on September 24, 2022 at 12:14 pm

Over the years, affiliate marketing has turned into a popular marketing tactic for eCommerce businesses. Even Google Trends suggests that the number of searches for the term “affiliate marketing” has considerably increased in the last few years.

"affiliate marketing" in Google Trends

One of the primary benefits of this marketing type is that it is purely a performance-based. Businesses pay commission to affiliates only when they drive conversion businesses are looking for.  Apart from this, this marketing is quite helpful in broadening the audience and boosting brand reputation. Perhaps this is the reason; more brands are taking advantage of this performance-based marketing tactic.

Nevertheless, to create an effective affiliate marketing program, you will need to think out of the box. Since a large number of businesses are using affiliate marketing, you must make yours stand out. 

How does commission work

Well, one great way to take your affiliate marketing result-oriented is using engaging video content. Video is one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged and boost conversions altogether.

Nowadays, people prefer to watch a video instead of reading a long article. Even on social networking sites, video content has been becoming quite popular. According to WordStream, around 82% of users on Twitter watch video content. So, if you want to obtain fruitful results from your affiliate marketing strategies, incorporate effective video content in your marketing. So, if you’re not using the video content as part of your affiliate marketing campaigns, try it now.

Let’s have a look at some other benefits of integrating videos in affiliate marketing.  

Importance of Video Content in Affiliate Marketing

Video content plays a significant role in boosting your affiliate marketing conversions and sales to a large extent. An article published in Forbes claims that 90% of people find product videos helpful in making purchasing decisions. It simply means without a product video, you are losing on those additional affiliate sales. There is no dearth of statistics that confirm that the use of videos in affiliate marketing has a huge advantage. Some of the stats include:

  • Around 50% of people watch videos related to a product or service before making a purchase. 
  • According to WordStream, 59% of people prefer to watch a video than reading the text. 

In comparison to traditional methods, using video in affiliate marketing helps you convert more leads. Now you are aware of what benefits can video give to your affiliate marketing efforts, let’s find out how to integrate them.

How to Use Video Content in Your Affiliate Marketing Strategies

There are plenty of ways you can use videos in your marketing. For example, you can create a video sales letter to grab the attention of your prospects by providing them complete details of your products.

Apart from this, you can create a video portal where you will be producing helpful videos related to your products or services for your subscribers. You may also create YouTube videos to retarget customers who land on your website. 

FAQ and Product Review videos are another good way to reach more potential people.

Creating affiliate marketing videos is not complicated and expensive anymore. Nowadays, there are several free tools available online that help you come up with engaging video content. With these tools, you can create professional marketing videos within a few minutes and that without breaking your bank.

Now, let’s have a look at some platforms that allow you to execute affiliate marketing efforts and boost your conversions.

Affiliate Marketing Through YouTube

socials in lead generation

YouTube is one of the largest video-sharing platforms in the world headquartered in San Bruno, California. According to a report, every month, six billion hours of video watched on YouTube. Not only this but also YouTube is the second largest search engine having more than 1 billion users. Therefore, affiliate marketing through YouTube is highly profitable; you just need to create your channel – and that for absolutely free. 

With the channel, you can display all your videos is a sequence. Let’s find out what is YouTube affiliate marketing in detail.

What is YouTube Affiliate Marketing?

The process of affiliate marketing on YouTube involves creating and uploading engaging videos and adding affiliate links within the videos or in the descriptions. It is as simple as you add an affiliate link to your blog.

Below, we have put together a few tips that will help you display your affiliate videos on YouTube in the appropriate way.

Since your primary aim behind uploading video is to promote your affiliate links, make sure you have placed them in the video via annotations. It will help your viewers to visit that link whenever they want. As per your choice, you may introduce these links in the beginning, middle or end of the video.

Don’t Underestimate Description

Most viewers go to the description to know about the video in detail. So, it is a good practice to add affiliate links in the video descriptions as well. Remember, sometimes, viewers don’t pay attention to the annotation in the video. In that case, links in the description will fulfill your motives. 

Sponsor Your Video

In YouTube, down the line, you get an option to run your videos as ads. You can sponsor you videos on there to reach a large number of viewers. Remember, the more people will watch your video ads, the more conversions you will receive.

It is advisable to use YouTube analytics to assess your audience and the performance of videos in depth. Analytics will help you analyze the data and find out what strategy is working for you. This way, you run the successful campaign again and again.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind when creating and uploading your affiliate videos on YouTube.

  • Make sure your video file name is sensible and useful
  • Always add a relevant and a complete video description
  • Do not forget to add affiliate links
  • Transcribe your video in YouTube description
  • Make use of annotations properly
  • Add video to playlists
  • Make sure your channel looks professional
  • Do not get out of context
  • Add custom thumbnails.

Affiliate Marketing Through Facebook Live

Facebook live camera

The Facebook Live feature lets you broadcast your brand videos and reach more potential clients. With the help of this feature, you can represent the better picture of who you are or what you do.

Facebook helps you improve your reach and gain instant feedback. When you go live, it sends a notification to your followers, and thus you get a wide audience. 

With Facebook Live, you can establish a strong bond with your audience that will ultimately help you get more conversions. Apart from this, you also get to know what service or product people are more likely to buy.

Here are some tips on using videos for affiliate marketing with Facebook Live.

How-to Guides

How-to guides can be quite useful in explaining to your potential client how does your product work. For example, if you have a beauty product, you can apply it to yourself and persuade your viewers to buy it through Facebook live video. So explainer videos are a great way how to do it!

Organize Questions & Answers Session

No matter, in which business are you, it could be the sale of e-books on your site or something else, your audience will have some queries associated with your products and services. Facebook Live feature can help you answer all the questions of your users in the real it. Moreover, you can also know what people think about your brand and what kind of products they would like to see in the future.

The questions & answers session is an excellent way to work with your audience. Moreover, on the basis of the opinions you get from your audience, you can plan your further promotions.

Promote Your Content

Sometimes, you do not get the desired engagement on your posts. However, you can take advantage of Facebook Live to promote that content by making a short recap of what you have been offering.

Give Review About Your Products

You can use Facebook Live to give a live review of your product. If you sell physical products, you can demonstrate them to your audience. For instance, you can create a video about how the product will benefit them. Besides this, you can also talk about the specific details of your product. Not only does it convince people to buy your product but also build trust.

Posting a picture preview to give positive feedback

Broadcast Events

Being an affiliate marketer, it is essential that you participate in different events and conferences to promote your brand. You might have already been uploading short videos or images on your social media sites, but Facebook Live can make a big difference.

You can share the highlights of the events and tell your audience what you learned at a conference.

Take Interview of Market Leaders

If you want to take your marketing efforts one step ahead, interview some market leaders in the industry. When you make an interview of someone who is renowned, the audience starts showing interest in your brand.

Promote Upcoming Events

Facebook Live is a great medium to make people aware of your upcoming events. If you’re a speaker or hosting an event, give your audience a hint of what they can expect from the event. It would make them feel special and ultimately visit your event. To make sure a large number of people are attending your event, you can announce free passes.

Create Hype for Upcoming Products

If you are about to launch a new product, Facebook Live can help you promote it. You can release its teaser that will create an interest among the audience about the product. You may disclose the glimpse of it. Thus the interested people will visit you when you launch the product.  

Affiliate Marketing Through Instagram

79% of brands predominantly tap instagram for campaigns

Instagram has been proliferating for the last few years. It has turned into an amazing tool for businesses to market their products or services through a visual story. The platform is popular among the young generation because Instagram is trendy, friendly, creative, and visually pleasing. According to a survey conducted by Facebook, teens and young adults have positive opinions about Instagram.

Let’s find out how affiliate marketer can take advantage of Instagram.

Create Video Content

Instagram has Instagram TV called IGTV for those who want to post more than one-minute long video. It helps affiliate marketers take a more creative approach to promote their business through interesting videos.

Instagram allows only 60-second videos on the posts that restrict marketers from creating a full-length video about their product. However, with the coming of IGTV, they can create and share a complete how-to or educational videos on their products and services.

On IGTV, you can upload an extensive review of your product that will help you with increasing engagement, building followings, and getting more conversions.

How to Choose a Video Making Tool for Affiliate Marketing

Over the past few years, Instagram has overgrown. You will hardly find a celebrity, social media influencer, or blogger who does not have a profile on this fantastic social media platform. So, if you’re planning to use it as a tool to market your brand, keep yourself updated with the latest affiliate marketing trends.

There are plenty of tools you can choose from to create videos for affiliate marketing. However, it is recommended to choose a professional tool only. 

Below are a few tips for you to choose an online video editor.

  • Look for a tool that can support different video formats
  • Consider the user-friendliness of the user interface
  • Choose a tool that can help you create slideshows, promo videos, and logos, all from one place..  

Final Words

Today, it is easy and affordable to integrate engaging videos into your affiliate marketing strategies, thanks to advanced technology. However, to create videos that can actually capture the attention of your audience, you must have creativity and idea what exactly your audience wants. Remember, when you develop videos that are emotionally charged, they go viral on the internet within a few days.

Roman Daneghyan

Guest Post Author

Roman Daneghyan

Roman Daneghyan is Chief Marketing Officer at Renderforest, specializing in social media marketing, content marketing, and SEO.

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