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  • Videos
  • Top 3 Seven-Figure Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Top 3 Seven-Figure Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Free Course: Top 3 Seven-Figure Affiliate Marketing Strategies | Sean Bagheri03:54Youtube video: Free Course: Top 3 Seven-Figure Affiliate Marketing Strategies
Sean Bagheri


  • affiliate marketing strategies
  • quick quiz strategy
  • tripwire marketing
  • launch funnel
  • free course

Video summary

In this video, the speaker shares three strategies for earning free commissions as an affiliate marketer. The first strategy is the quick quiz strategy, where people are directed to a quiz page and then shown an opt-in page to collect leads and promote affiliate products. The second strategy is tripwire marketing, which involves offering a low-priced product upfront to build a buyer list and promote additional affiliate products. The third strategy is the launch funnel, where a series of free trainings are used to engage with customers and eventually sell a product. The speaker also mentions a free course and a platform with various courses available.


Dig Deeper

Three Strategies to Earn Huge Commissions as an Affiliate Marketer

In this video, I will discuss three strategies that I am currently using to earn significant commissions as an affiliate marketer. These strategies do not involve selling ecommerce products or creating Shopify sites, making them accessible and straightforward for anyone to implement.

1. Quick Quiz Strategy

One of the strategies I have been using extensively is the quick quiz strategy. With this approach, I direct people to a quiz page where they answer a few questions. Based on their responses, I customize their experience and show them an opt-in page. This allows me to collect leads and ultimately promote affiliate products to increase my commissions.

2. Tripwire Marketing

Tripwire marketing is a strategy that has been a game-changer for me as an affiliate marketer. It involves offering a low-cost product upfront, such as a $5 product. The beauty of this strategy is that you don't even have to create the products yourself; you can purchase them for as low as $10. By selling these products as your own and building a buyer list, you can then leverage this list to promote more affiliate products and increase your earnings.

3. Launch Funnel

The launch funnel strategy, specifically the evergreen launch funnel, has been incredibly powerful for me. This strategy allows me to drive a significant amount of traffic to an opt-in page, which generates daily income without requiring ongoing customer support. The process involves providing free trainings over several days to engage with customers and build a relationship. Eventually, I redirect them to a sales page or sales video and convert them into buyers. This automated approach ensures a steady stream of income without constant effort.

Impact on the Affiliate Marketing Industry

These strategies have had a significant impact on the affiliate marketing industry. By diversifying the methods used to generate commissions, marketers can tap into new audiences and increase revenue potential. The quick quiz strategy allows for a more personalized approach, while tripwire marketing helps build a loyal customer base. The launch funnel strategy introduces automation and scalability, making it easier for marketers to generate consistent income without constant effort. Overall, these strategies are making affiliate marketing more accessible and lucrative for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

If you want to learn more about these strategies, I offer a free course where I break down each strategy in detail. Additionally, you can access a diversity platform that provides access to various courses, including the ones I offer. Take advantage of these resources to expand your knowledge and improve your affiliate marketing success.

Thank you for watching this video, and if you found it helpful, consider subscribing to my channel for more valuable content. See you later!

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