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  • Videos
  • Rules for Picking the Right Products

Rules for Picking the Right Products

Rules for Picking the Right Products | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Agora - Amazon Affiliates App01:38Youtube video: Rules for Picking the Right Products | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Agora - Amazon Affiliates App


  • Amazon affiliate marketing
  • picking the right products
  • supporting audience's needs
  • clear transformation
  • demonstrating products
  • indispensable products
  • brainstorming product ideas

Video summary

This video discusses the five commandments of picking the right products for Amazon affiliate marketing. The first commandment is to pick products that support your audience's needs and reasons for buying. It is important to explain to them why they should buy the product you're promoting. The second commandment is to choose products that provide a clear transformation from before using the product to after using it. The example given is how floor staff is not needed when using a certain product. The third commandment is to pick products that can be clearly demonstrated, such as through videos, pictures, or blog posts. The fourth commandment is to select products that have the potential to become indispensable to your audience, becoming part of their everyday habits. The video concludes by mentioning that the next video will focus on brainstorming product ideas.


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Choosing the Right Products for Affiliate Marketing

As a marketing specialist, it is important to understand how to pick the right products for affiliate marketing. In this blog post, we will discuss the five commandments of picking the right products that will effectively support your audience's needs and desires.

Pick Products That Support Your Audience's Why

When selecting products, it is crucial to consider the "why" of your audience. What are their underlying motivations and pain points? By understanding their needs, you can better explain why they should buy the product you are promoting. Allow your audience to see how the product can address their specific concerns and provide a solution.

Clear Transformation

A great product should offer a clear transformation between before and after its use. Your audience needs to see the tangible benefits that the product can provide. Highlight how the product can make a significant difference in their lives. By demonstrating the positive changes, you can convince your audience of the product's value.

Competitive Edge

To effectively promote a product, you need to focus on how it outperforms competitors. Highlight the unique features and advantages that set it apart. Show your audience why your product does things better and why they should choose it over alternatives. The clearer and more compelling these benefits are, the stronger your promotion will be.

Ability to Demonstrate

The best products are those that can be clearly demonstrated. If you can make videos, take pictures, or write blog posts showcasing how the product works and its benefits, you have a winning opportunity. Use these mediums to convince your audience of the product's value and why they should purchase it.

Potential for Indispensability

Finding a product that becomes indispensable to your audience is like hitting gold. Identify products that can seamlessly integrate into their everyday habits, becoming an essential part of their lives. Think about your own experiences with products that have become lifesavers, saving time, reducing stress, and providing convenience. Your audience will thank you and reward you with Amazon affiliate commissions for introducing them to such valuable products.

By following these commandments, you can select the right products for your affiliate marketing endeavors. In the next video, we will delve into brainstorming product ideas that will work for you. Stay tuned!

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