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  • Videos
  • How to Find a Profitable YouTube Automation Niche

How to Find a Profitable YouTube Automation Niche

How to Find a Profitable YouTube Automation Niche (Step by Step) | George Vlasyev05:12Youtube video: How to Find a Profitable YouTube Automation Niche (Step by Step)
George Vlasyev


  • starting a YouTube channel
  • choosing a niche
  • creating successful content

Video summary

The speaker talks about their experience starting a YouTube channel in the make money online niche and how it was not successful. They then discuss the decision to switch to a different niche and the difficulties in choosing which niche to pursue. They outline their game plan for creating successful content in the new niche, including capturing market share, solving a problem, and focusing on information value over production value. The speaker plans to test different videos in different niches to determine what works best, and will report back to the community on their findings.


Dig Deeper

The Challenge of Choosing a Niche for Your YouTube Channel

Choosing a niche for your YouTube channel can be challenging and overwhelming. The speaker in this video explains that he recently switched niches after struggling to make money in the "how to make money online" niche. He invested over $2,000 in his channel but was only making $2 per month.

One of the challenges of choosing a niche is figuring out what kind of videos to produce. The speaker admits that he spent a week researching and thinking about what kind of videos to make but still hasn't figured it out. He is considering different niches such as charisma, athletics, or finance.

However, he also sees the value in not creating something completely original, but instead taking something that already works and putting your own spin on it. It's also important to think about whether the niche will hold your interest in the long-term.

So how should you choose your niche? The speaker suggests treating your YouTube channel as a business and trying to capture market share. Diversifying yourself from the competition is also important, as well as making informative videos that solve a problem.

It's also crucial to focus on information value over production value, although making entertaining videos is still important. Finally, the speaker recommends trying out different videos from different niches to see what works best and reporting back to your community on what you learned.

The Impact on Affiliate Marketing Industry

The impact of switching niches on the affiliate marketing industry is interesting to consider. In the "how to make money online" niche, the speaker was likely promoting affiliate products related to making money online. By switching niches, he will need to find new products to promote that are relevant to his new content.

However, he also mentions the potential to monetize his channel with external monetization by offering online education. If he can provide informative videos that solve a problem, he can then offer a solution by selling a course or other educational product. This kind of monetization is not dependent on ad rates and can potentially be more lucrative than traditional affiliate marketing.

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