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Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
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mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

  • Videos
  • How Optimization Tools Differ When Applied to a Non-Mainstream Ad Network

How Optimization Tools Differ When Applied to a Non-Mainstream Ad Network

How Optimization Tools Differ When Applied to a Non-Mainstream Ad Network | Affiliate World Conferences02:22Youtube video: How Optimization Tools Differ When Applied to a Non-Mainstream Ad Network
Affiliate World Conferences


  • optimization tools
  • CPA goal/CP target
  • CP goal as a rules-based optimization tool

Video summary

The video discusses how optimization tools differ when applied on mainstream and non-mainstream ad networks, with CPA goal or CP target used as an example. It highlights how CP goal is a rules-based optimization tool where the traffic meets the set parameters rather than the ideal price to pay for conversion. The video also presents a case study showing how setting CP limits to eCPA resulted in a drop in average cost for conversion and an increase in the number of conversions for a local e-commerce brand.


Dig Deeper

How optimization tools differ on non-mainstream ad Networks

The use of CPA goal or CP Target can surprise you with its own logic when applied on a non-mainstream ad Network, as they are rules-based optimization tools that not only allow you to set up the ideal or average price you are willing to pay for conversion but also a set of parameters your traffic should have to comply with. By setting up CP limits and weeding out those placements that eat your budget and deliver you an undesirable number of conversions, you can increase the number of conversions and reduce the average cost for conversion.

Impact on affiliate marketing industry

The use of optimization tools on non-mainstream ad Networks could lead to a shift in the affiliate marketing industry as marketers start preferring these networks due to their lower competition and more targeted audience. However, it is important to note that the success of affiliate marketing campaigns depends on various factors, such as the choice of product or service, the quality of content and landing pages, and the effectiveness of the chosen optimization tools.

Explore more

Non-mainstream ad networks refer to platforms that are less popular or have a niche focus compared to major players like Google or Facebook. These networks may offer unique targeting options, lower competition, or specific audiences that align with your niche.

Optimizing campaigns on non-mainstream ad networks requires a specialized approach and the right tools. Post Affiliate Pro’s integration with affiliate networks, performance tracking, conversion attribution, and affiliate management features can provide you with the necessary tools to succeed in these environments. You can maximize the effectiveness of your optimization efforts on non-mainstream ad networks and achieve better results for your campaigns.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the bLoyal for Post Affiliate Pro.


The TEXT includes mentions of various integrations for improving affiliate software, such as Expression Engine with Membrr and Wholesale2b. There are also references to the integration of OptimizePress and pricing tables with PayPal links. The TEXT goes on to list features, alternatives, support, and company information for Post Affiliate Pro. The rest of the TEXT includes updates on the progress of account installation and a call to schedule a one-on-one call to discuss the benefits of Post Affiliate Pro for businesses. The website's use of cookies is also mentioned.

Unique clicks tell you how many unique users have clicked on a link. Affiliate marketing offers metrics that indicate how many times a link has been clicked.

Unique clicks

The text includes repetitive and irrelevant information about affiliate marketing, newsletter subscriptions, and website policies.

302 redirect is a process/status code, that means found or moved temporarily. So, a 302 redirect does not contain a new address.

302 redirect

Learn about the Post Affiliate Pro affiliate program and software for Shopify, WooCommerce, and WordPress. Get sales contacts and subscribe to their newsletter.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the BusinessDirectory (WordPress module) for Post Affiliate Pro.

BusinessDirectory (WordPress module)

Scale Lead is a nutra CPA network offering fixed commissions for affiliates interested in media and marketing. The affiliate program has campaign rules, accepted countries, and policies on explicit, religious, and political content to consider. The program supports text link banners and accepts worldwide link and banner advertisements. The affiliate manager can be contacted through Media and Marketing Mail or LinkedIn, and a free 14-day trial is available. The company also offers Post Affiliate Pro with a message sent to your email address containing login details after installation. The website uses cookies. Contact forms and live chat options are available.

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