–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Performance rewards

What are performance rewards?

Performance rewards are a powerful feature that allows marketing and affiliate managers to reward your affiliates for their hard work in your affiliate program.

How does it work in Post Affiliate Pro?

You can use Performance rewards to check for certain conditions, such as when an affiliate reaches a certain number of sales, and take action accordingly.

The action can be:

  • adding bonus commission to this affiliate
  • assigning user to a different commission group with different commission rates (higher or lower)
  • adding affiliates retroactively to a commission group
  • adding affiliates into a commission group with status
  • only updating the user field

Your affiliate system tracks their performance automatically and rewards them if they succeed. You can, for example, define your commissions as follows:
– for less than 5 sales the commission is 20%
– for 5 or more sales the commission is 30%

Performance rewards in Post Affiliate Pro

Using Commission Groups, you can manually adjust commission values for special users. With Performance Rewards, Post Affiliate Pro monitors affiliate performance automatically; all you have to do is set up the rules, and Post Affiliate Pro will do the rest.

Why is this feature important in your affiliate strategy?

Everybody likes to have their efforts recognized, especially if they receive a higher commission for it. Metric measurement features in Post Affiliate Pro, such as the Top Affiliate Tracker, allow you to identify your best-performing affiliates. In most cases, these affiliates are the most popular, generate the most leads, and have the highest engagement. The Performance rewards feature is meant to recognize affiliates for providing all that revenue.

Too things to look for in an affiliate agreement?
Post Affiliate Pro is an ideal solution for every side of affiliate marketing.
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Too things to look for in an affiliate agreement?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are performance rewards?

    Performance rewards systems check for different conditions automatically, such as sales reached, and execute pre-defined actions accordingly.

  • Why are performance rewards important?

    Everybody should be recognized for their efforts, especially if they receive a higher commission. Top affiliates are popular in their niche, generate the most leads, and have the most engagements. The fact that affiliates generate all these revenues should motivate managers to reward them appropriately.

Peel banner has a flash animation embedded. It can be displayed in the left top corner, right top corner or both top corners.

Peel banners

Interactive, in-depth marketing strategies like peel banners help engage audiences, making them superior to static content. The competition is fierce, so staying ahead is crucial.

Post Afiliate Pro allows merchants to register sales in multiple currencies. All commissions are internally converted into the default currency.

Multiple currencies

Post Affiliate Pro allows merchants to track affiliate commissions in multiple currencies. It also offers an automatic exchange rate updater feature.

Make your account more secure with 2-step verification and prevent anyone from obtaining your sensitive information.

2-step verification

The process for setting up 2-step verification in Post Affiliate Pro is the same for both merchants and affiliates, through the Edit profile section.

Using zip files, you can store files of any type, including images, binary documents, text documents and more and can use all affiliate variables.

Zip Banners

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