–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Fraud protection

Post Affiliate Pro’s fraud protection system monitors all transactions and automatically declines fraudulent ones without annoying alerts or pop-ups.

The purpose of setting up fraud protection into a company’s workflow is to detect fraudsters. The use of an affiliate fraud protection system that detects even advanced fraud schemes can help you significantly reduce losses by allowing you to uncover fraudsters and avoid paying for bad leads and impressions.

It not only provides protection against fraudulent orders but also protects against repeated orders (e.g. when a customer refreshes the “Thank you” page, where the tracking code has been integrated).

Click fraud protection

Click fraud protection is separated into multiple levels:

  1. You can recognize repeated clicks from the same IP address and decline or not save commissions for those clicks.
  2. You can decline or choose not to save the clicks that come from banned IP addresses.
  3. You can reject or not save the clicks coming from blacklisted countries (part of the Post Affiliate Pro GeoIP feature).
Fraud protection setup in Post Affiliate Pro
Setup of clicks fraud protection

Sale fraud protection

Sale fraud protection settings offer the following options:

  1. You can detect duplicate orders coming from the same IP address.
  2. You can recognize duplicate orders coming with the same order ID.
  3. You can decline or not save commissions for sales generated from banned IP addresses.
  4. You can decline or not save commissions for sales generated from blacklisted countries (Part of the Post Affiliate Pro GeoIP feature).
Sale fraud protection setup and configuration in Post Affiliate Pro
Setup of sale fraud protection

Affiliate signup fraud protection

You can protect your affiliate program against fraudulent affiliate signups in multiple ways:

  1. You can detect multiple signups from the same IP address.
  2. You can block signups from banned IP address ranges.
  3. You can block affiliate signups from blacklisted countries (part of optional, but free GeoIP feature).
Affiliate fraud protection setup and configuration in Post Affiliate Pro
Setup of affiliate fraud protection

Login and IP fraud protection

Your Post Affiliate Pro account can be restricted to a certain number of login attempts per username/IP per hour, as well as which IP addresses are allowed to log in.

Stay safe with fraud protection
Post Affiliate Pro has fraud protection features in each plan so you can work safely and securely. Get started with our free trial!
Try today
Stay safe with fraud protection

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are ways to prevent affiliate fraud?

    Some ways to prevent affiliate fraud is to review metrics that require human involvement, such as inquiries, conversions, or purchases, more often. Fraud is likely to have occurred if you notice sudden increases in affiliate-referred transactions.

  • What is affiliate fraud?

    Affiliate fraud is any fraudulent activity conducted in order to generate commissions through an affiliate marketing program.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the bLoyal for Post Affiliate Pro.


The TEXT includes mentions of various integrations for improving affiliate software, such as Expression Engine with Membrr and Wholesale2b. There are also references to the integration of OptimizePress and pricing tables with PayPal links. The TEXT goes on to list features, alternatives, support, and company information for Post Affiliate Pro. The rest of the TEXT includes updates on the progress of account installation and a call to schedule a one-on-one call to discuss the benefits of Post Affiliate Pro for businesses. The website's use of cookies is also mentioned.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the BusinessDirectory (WordPress module) for Post Affiliate Pro.

BusinessDirectory (WordPress module)

Scale Lead is a nutra CPA network offering fixed commissions for affiliates interested in media and marketing. The affiliate program has campaign rules, accepted countries, and policies on explicit, religious, and political content to consider. The program supports text link banners and accepts worldwide link and banner advertisements. The affiliate manager can be contacted through Media and Marketing Mail or LinkedIn, and a free 14-day trial is available. The company also offers Post Affiliate Pro with a message sent to your email address containing login details after installation. The website uses cookies. Contact forms and live chat options are available.

Post Afiliate Pro allows merchants to register sales in multiple currencies. All commissions are internally converted into the default currency.

Multiple currencies

Post Affiliate Pro allows merchants to track affiliate commissions in multiple currencies. It also offers an automatic exchange rate updater feature.

Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the nBill integration for Post Affiliate Pro.


The article discusses PostAffiliate Pro, a software for affiliate marketing that can be integrated with various shopping cart and e-commerce platforms. It offers a free trial and provides support, knowledge base, and resources for successful affiliate marketing. The article also mentions the integration of VoguePay and Simple PayPal Shopping Cart plugin with Post Affiliate Pro, as well as using Post Affiliate Pro integration with EKM for a successful online shop. Additionally, related resources and a free account offer are listed.

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