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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Revenue - euros on table

Which Post Affiliate Pro Package Is Right For Me?

Andrej Csizmadia

May 31, 2016
Last modified on June 20, 2022 at 12:57 pm

Managing affiliate program is no easy job. In the era of “beautifully designed, easy to use and utterly simple” apps we came to know from mobile ecosystems, it’s becoming incredibly difficult to make customers understand that powerful backend systems require steep learning curve, at least by today’s standards.

Simplicity did not get human race to Moon. One tap or three clicks kind would never make you successful affiliate manager. For dealing with complexity you need complex set of tools that can become insanely powerful, if you know what you’re doing.

We rather stay authentic and honest opposed to so popular sugar-coating of every single aspect of customer experience. Configuring and working with Post Affiliate Pro on daily basis is not the easiest task ever, we’ll give you that.

This is the very reason we are investing so much resources into best in class support via our channels starting from phone line, through emails and ending with live chat. Even in 2016 you might very well get real-time help from our developers and integration specialist. That is really something if you ask me!

Right when you expect that junior staff would provide you with just a general information our employees are in no hurry, prepared to go deep with investigation, making live chat session effective for solving any kind of issue.

Now, that we have covered our support policy, let’s move to another important area – flexibility. Giving our customers options to choose from is essential. Every business needs an ability to scale, and we are giving you just that. Let’s break down both of our Post Affiliate Pro packages in terms of targeting different groups of customers. You might be surprised by the outcome of this comparison. See for yourself 🙂

How does an affiliate program work

Post Affiliate Pro Professional (129 Usd/Month)

Now, let’s have a look at our professional edition. We are going for affiliate marketers with fully developed plan and deep knowledge of their specific needs. If you know your way around coding, integrations, tracking and are in need of more sophisticated offer feature-wise – Professional plan is what you’ve been looking for. Let’s break it down:

  1. You have been in affiliate marketing business for a while and you are in need of upgrade feature-wise
  2. You are ready to take your venture to the next level with more affiliates, better promotional materials, more automation and you don’t want to miss out on ever important scaling options
  3. You have time to play around with different settings, simulating scenarios and contacting support if something goes south
  4. You have befriended our knowledge base and know what to look for
  5. You are familiar with Post Affiliate Pro’s user interface
Post Affiliate Pro new pricings

Post Affiliate Pro Ultimate Plan (249 Usd/Month)

Ultimate package it’s a whole different story. It may sound a bit absurd, but if you are absolute beginner in affiliate marketing, this is the edition you should go for. Bear with me for a while, I will explain. Having ambitions, will to go forward and success on your mind are the essential factors of getting to your happy place with well-performing affiliate business. For this to happen, you need to have powerful tools right at your hand and be prepared to use them. Why compromise on feature set if you may have it all from the beginning? With Ultimate edition you get as close to magic bullet in terms of managing affiliate marketing programs as it gets.

What is this magic bullet? Answer is simple. We call it Full Integration service. Imagine subscribing for one of the best rated affiliate platforms out there and being up and running within days – completely seamless and effortless. This is the exact thing you get. No knowledge base, no instruction videos, no steep learning curve, no messing around with code.

Team of specialist that have been in business for 12 years will do everything for you and make your affiliate program truly yours into smallest details. In meantime, you can invest your energy into product development or marketing and just not worry about your backend systems. Bottom line is pretty straightforward – Are you novice in joint venture business? Go directly for Ultimate plan, save yourself time, frustration and have competitive advantages right from the beginning. Once again, let’s break this down into the few points:

  1. You are in a hurry and want to be up and running in no time
  2. You are inexperienced in fields like coding, integrations or tracking functionality
  3. You want seamless experience while setting up your affiliate program
  4. You are interested in complex feature set and future-proofing your venture
  5. You fancy premium support and piece of mind that everything is working as it supposed to

I hope that this short dive into our product portfolio helps you to make decisions easier. Still, covering every single aspect into smallest details to suit smallest nuances of you plan is nearly impossible…Did I mention our best in class support? Call us, drop us an email or jump on a live chat. We will be there, waiting patiently to answer every single question about the best affiliate software you might have.

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