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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

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What you will learn during the call
  • How to achieve your business goals with Post Affiliate Pro – whether it improves customer satisfaction or generate more sales.
  • You’ll experience how Post Affiliate Pro works and together we’ll find out if it’s the best solution for your business needs.
  • Answers to any questions you may have about pricing, service, integrations, and features.
“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy

Andrej Saxon
Sales manager
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