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Tips and Guides

How Not To Give Up On Affiliate Marketing

Andrej Csizmadia

July 31, 2017
Last modified on June 20, 2022 at 12:39 pm

Maybe you’ve started your affiliate website and put effort and time into it, but it seems like you have nothing to show for it. Or, maybe you’re thinking about creating one but it seems like it’s a lot of work, it’s complicated, and to top it all off, risky.

Well, things might seem like that, but this is equally untrue as saying that affiliate marketing is easy money. The main issue is lack of trust people have in themselves and in the concept of earning passive income.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at common reasons why people give up on affiliate marketing, and why they are not true:

No Time Or No Money

Affiliate marketing is an investment. You have to build a website, create content, create an ad campaign, and all of this takes time and money. But, you don’t have to have thousands of dollars or a ton of free time to get started.

How does an affiliate program work

To start, you need an hour a day, if that. You need to put up a site, which can be done in a matter of hours nowadays. You need to create some initial content, and all of that could take you a few weeks if you’re doing it at a leisurely pace.

Moneywise, the only money you NEED to fork out is for your domain name which you pay around $10 per year, and hosting, which you will pay less than $10 per month. Now, it is beneficial if you have some spare cash lying around to put into your advertising campaign. Even that ad money will be partially returned from your affiliate payouts.

Yes, it’s tempting to just sit back and relax after you’ve come home from school or your regular job, but as the saying goes:

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

The math is simple, the more time and money you put in, the faster you will grow your business. But it is actually a good idea to start slow, until you learn the ropes.

How Not To Give Up On Affiliate Marketing

After all, it is better to lose $50, than a $1000, which leads us to the next point:

Failure And Negativity

Ok, so maybe you’ve decided to bite down, and devote time each day to study how to do affiliate marketing and to put up the best website you can. You’ve broken your piggy bank and paid for your website, and invested your last $50 in an ad campaign. And it failed. Here’s the thing:

To build a successful affiliate marketing business it takes a year to see profit. Affiliate marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. But that’s good, because this is exactly why you don’t have to take much time out of your day to get started.

And nobody gets it right in their first try. Failed campaigns are bound to happen, so all you can do is learn from them, and keep trying. If your website starts earning a little cash early on, don’t be shortsighted and consider that your profit. Rather, invest it back into your website and grow it even more.

How Not To Give Up On Affiliate Marketing

Too Much Work And Information

The main stumbling block with many people is how overwhelming it might all seem. If you’re not particularly tech-savvy, or you don’t have marketing/business management background, it can all seem so difficult and daunting. The desire to give up is completely understandable.

Even if you try and google for information, you will be met with so much information that you might not know where to get started. But, this is a good thing!

Having a lot of sources only means that there have been a ton of people that were in your shoes and they succeeded. Again, take it slow, and start from beginning. There’s a ton of beginner’s guides, how-tos, and so on. You can check some on Mobidea Academy.

How Not To Give Up On Affiliate Marketing

Having so much information at your disposal simply means that you will always find an answer to your question and find the answers that you understand.

Affiliate marketing is a job, like any else, and if you do it right, you can earn a nice living out of it. Where it differs from your standard 9-5 job is that it takes a bit to get rolling, and then passive income kicks in and you’re good to go.

Even then, you will still have work to do – create content, create new campaigns, conversion incentives, sales funnels, and so on. Even if you’re successful enough that you can hire other people to do this work for you, you will still have to manage and oversee them.

Lastly, you will have to test and analyze. No business can succeed without proper feedback. You can’t just shoot in the dark and hope you hit your mark. Turn on the light, take a deep breath, and aim.

With time, you will get better.

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