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  • Videos
  • What Kind of Products Should I Promote?

What Kind of Products Should I Promote?

What Kind of Products Should I Promote? | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Agora - Amazon Affiliates App02:03Youtube video: What Kind of Products Should I Promote? | Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Agora - Amazon Affiliates App


  • products to promote
  • audience needs
  • choosing product categories

Video summary

The video discusses what kind of products to promote and emphasizes the importance of choosing products that genuinely fulfill the needs of your audience. It suggests starting with product categories that you have knowledge or expertise in, which could come from hobbies, day jobs, or personal interests. The video also advises identifying a goal related to your niche and how a product from Amazon can help your audience achieve it. It gives an example of an audience running successful businesses and needing office furniture. The video concludes by mentioning that the next topic will be about the golden rules for picking products to promote on a blog.


Dig Deeper

Choosing Products to Promote

When it comes to promoting products as an affiliate marketer, it is important to choose the right products that resonate with your audience. The simple answer to what kind of products you should be promoting is anything on Amazon. However, there is a caveat - the product must genuinely fill a need of your audience. There is no point in trying to sell a dog brush to a goldfish owner.

Now, you may be wondering how to narrow down the vast categories on Amazon to a single category or product. A good place to start is by looking at the product categories that you already have knowledge or expertise about. This knowledge can come from your hobbies, day job, or even the things that fascinate you and keep you up at 3 am watching YouTube videos. It can also come from incidental experiences that are not directly related to your profession or hobbies.

For example, if you have experience in coordinating office moves or installing security cameras, you can consider promoting products related to office furniture or home security on Amazon. The key is to find products on Amazon that are related to the category you have knowledge about.

Identifying Goals and Needs

Once you have narrowed down your category, the next step is to think about a goal that is related to your niche and how a product from Amazon can help someone achieve that goal. For instance, if your audience consists of people who are running successful businesses and have just started hiring staff and leasing office space, their goal might be to set up a functional and comfortable office environment.

In this scenario, your audience needs products such as desks, office chairs, monitors, and other office essentials to fit out their new office space. By promoting specific desks or office chairs available on Amazon that you have personally used and can vouch for, you can help your audience address their goal effectively.

The Importance of Product Recommendations

As a marketing specialist and affiliate marketer, your role is crucial in recommending the right products to your audience. This involves providing valuable insights and recommendations based on your personal experience with the products. Your audience trusts your expertise and relies on your recommendations to make informed purchasing decisions.

Golden Rules for Product Selection

When picking products to promote on your blog, it is important to follow some golden rules. Firstly, choose products that genuinely add value and address the needs of your audience. Ensure that the products align with your niche and the goals of your audience.

Secondly, select products that you have personally used and can confidently recommend. Your firsthand experience and authentic testimonials will have a strong impact on your audience's trust and willingness to make a purchase.

Lastly, consider the popularity and demand for the products you choose to promote. While it is beneficial to select niche products that cater specifically to your audience, it is also important to consider the overall demand and potential reach of the product.

By following these golden rules, you can optimize your affiliate marketing strategy and effectively promote products that resonate with your audience. Remember, being knowledgeable and genuine in your recommendations is key to building trust and long-term success in the affiliate marketing industry.

Learn more about Nikhil Sharma here. Visit the affiliate manager directory to get contact information, geographic focus, experience details and more.

Nikhil Sharma

Nikhil Sharma is an affiliate manager focusing on media and marketing worldwide. He uses Trackiers for tracking and automating affiliate operations.

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