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  • Videos
  • The Holy Trinity of Campaign Automation

The Holy Trinity of Campaign Automation

The Holy Trinity of Campaign Automation | Affiliate World Conferences03:37Youtube video: The Holy Trinity of Campaign Automation
Affiliate World Conferences


  • automation
  • campaign optimization
  • media buying strategy

Video summary

Automation is crucial for running businesses at scale, especially when dealing with millions of clicks per day. The speaker believes in a holy trinity of automation process including classic stop-and-go campaigns, budget optimization, and bulk campaign and ad creation. Simple if-else constructions can be useful in campaign optimization, and applying strategy of media buying to sub-accounts can help with scaling up campaigns. Proper agencies working with tremendous amounts of traffic rely heavily on internal media buying teams and external affiliates. Rules and metrics such as KPI and conversion rate are important for optimizing marketing campaigns.


Dig Deeper

Importance of Automation in Marketing

When it comes to running a successful marketing campaign, automation is the key. Manual methods might work for small-scale campaigns, but once you start dealing with millions and millions of clicks per day, automation becomes not just important, but absolutely essential.

The Holy Trinity of Automation Process

There are three fundamental areas where automation is crucial - stop and go campaigns, budget optimization, and bulk campaign and ad creation. Automating stop and go campaigns can save a lot of time and resources. Budget optimization ensures that your ad spend is allocated wisely, whereas bulk campaign and ad creation can help streamline the process and make it more efficient.

The Role of AI in Optimization

While classic stop and go campaigns do not use AI, automation can still be implemented on a simple if-else construction. AI can come in handy when optimizing campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook. Even a simple rule like "if conversion rate is less than 1%, then do something with your campaign" can go a long way in improving the performance of a campaign.

Scaling Up Campaigns

While automation is a good start, when it comes to scaling up campaigns, it can get a bit more complicated. For instance, if you're running weight-loss offers, you will have a lot of creatives, texts, and pre-landings to optimize. In such cases, it is helpful to create a strategy of media buying for each sub-account and extrapolate this strategy to dozens and dozens of campaigns.

Impact on Affiliate Marketing

The impact of automation on affiliate marketing has been tremendous. Proper agencies are working with internal media buying teams, external affiliates, and various rules for each advertiser. With affiliate marketing becoming more competitive than ever, automation can help streamline the process and make it more efficient.

Learn about the Surf & Earn Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Surf & Earn Affiliate Program

Post Affiliate Pro is a marketing software that offers various features and integration methods. Users can access their accounts after installation.

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Thinking about an iDevAffiliate alternative?

Post Affiliate Pro is a versatile affiliate management solution with social media integration and customizable features, offering alternatives to Scaleo, HitPath, Awin, and AffTrack. It helps businesses optimize their marketing goals and increase sales through effective campaigns and conversion tracking.

Learn about the Streamx Digital Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Streamx Digital Affiliate Program

Streamx Digital offers a single-tier affiliate program with a 5% commission rate. They accept worldwide traffic sources and have a minimum payout of $100.

Learn about the Partnerize Affiliate Program's key details, campaign restrictions, rules, commissions, and more before you join.

Partnerize Affiliate Program

Partnerize provides a partnership management solution for marketers, offering a CPA affiliate program for earning extra income through media and marketing. They have specific campaign rules and accept various traffic sources, with a 30-day cookie duration. The program has single-tier commissions and a minimum payout, with options for ACH bank transfers, PayPal, and wire transfer.

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