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  • Videos
  • The Exact Metrics To Watch Out For When Scaling Facebook Creatives

The Exact Metrics To Watch Out For When Scaling Facebook Creatives

The Exact Metrics To Watch Out For When Scaling Facebook Creatives | Affiliate World Conferences01:15Youtube video: The Exact Metrics To Watch Out For When Scaling Facebook Creatives
Affiliate World Conferences


  • Metrics for successful campaigns
  • Importance of click-through rate
  • Role of watch time in Facebook algorithm

Video summary

The video discusses important metrics that a marketer should focus on for successful campaigns. These include click-through rate, CPC, and average watch time. High click-through rate and low CPC are desired, along with a long watch time which is favored by Facebook's algorithm. The speaker shares examples of products that have had success with these metrics and emphasizes the importance of click-through rate over cost per link like.


Dig Deeper

Metrics to Watch Out For in Affiliate Marketing

In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of certain metrics when it comes to successful affiliate marketing. The first essential metric to track is click-through rate, which should be unique and over 3%. Additionally, the CPC or cost per unique link should be less than $1, and the average watch time of the video should be at least 10 seconds. These metrics are crucial in helping affiliate marketers achieve success in their campaigns.

The Impact on the Affiliate Marketing Industry

The discussion of these metrics is not only important for those already involved in affiliate marketing, but it also sheds light on the significance of this industry. With the rise of social media advertising and the ability to target specific audiences, affiliate marketing has become a popular and profitable means of promoting products online. By understanding and utilizing these metrics, individuals and companies alike can maximize their profits and reach a wider audience.

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Interspire Shopping Cart (especially for Google Checkout)

The text provides instructions for editing files and adding code to enable product tracking and integrate with affiliate programs.

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Would you like to improve your affiliate software even more? Check out the Chargify for Post Affiliate Pro.


The given text provides instructions for integrating a tracking script into a custom thank you page using JavaScript logic for Chargify. It also mentions the option to use webhooks for tracking recurring commissions.

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