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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

  • Videos
  • Scaling Viral Marketing Campaigns: $36K Profit In 10 Days

Scaling Viral Marketing Campaigns: $36K Profit In 10 Days

Scaling Viral Marketing Campaigns: $36K Profit In 10 Days | Affiliate World Conferences03:40Youtube video: Scaling Viral Marketing Campaigns: $36K Profit In 10 Days
Affiliate World Conferences


  • Facebook ad case study
  • ad targeting strategy
  • monetizing every click

Video summary

The video discusses a case study of a Facebook ad called 'package' which had a simple creative of an article about a lady who returns a package to someone. The video explains the targeting strategy used to show the ad to a wide audience of US mobile users and how the ad generated high engagement and click-through rates which led to a significant profit. The video emphasizes the importance of monetizing every click and scaling quickly when something is working. The video concludes that the ad was compliant, had a large potential audience, was scalable, and had high engagement.


Dig Deeper

Monetizing Every Click: A Case Study in Facebook Marketing

In today's marketing landscape, every click counts. With the rise of digital marketing, businesses are finding ways to generate revenue from every interaction with their audience. In a recent case study on Facebook, we explored how one ad campaign generated a significant profit by monetizing every click.

Targeting a Wide Audience

The key to success in this case study was the targeting of a wide audience. By targeting viral content that appeals to everyone, the potential reach of the ad was 76 million people. The ad was targeted at US mobile users of all ages and genders - a strategy that proved incredibly effective.

The Power of Creative

While targeting is important, the real power of this Facebook campaign was in the creative. The ad promoted an article about a woman who returned a lost package to a stranger - a heartwarming story that generated over 17,000 likes, 8,000 shares, and 3,000 comments.

The Impact on Affiliate Marketing

This case study has the potential to impact the affiliate marketing industry by showing the power of creative and targeting wide audiences. As businesses look for ways to monetize every interaction with their customers, finding effective strategies for reaching a wide audience will become increasingly important.

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Post Affiliate Pro – The Latest Enhancements and Fixes in May 2023

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Adswedmedia Affiliate Program

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Here you will learn how to craft a product page that will make your potential affiliates sign up and become ambassadors for your brand and drive traffic to you.

How to create an engaging product page for your affiliate program

Product pages are crucial for affiliate programs as they reassure trust, improve retention rates, and increase sales. Creating engaging product pages involves displaying enticing product images, providing clear and informative product descriptions, using proper CTAs, improving page load time, and showing social proof.

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8 affiliate marketing scams to avoid in 2023

Learn effective strategies, types of content, payment methods, and tracking techniques for successful affiliate marketing programs. Invest time in new affiliates and create a visually appealing and informative resume.

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