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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

“Thank you” email to loyal affiliates

Thank Loyal Affiliates

Affiliates work with you mainly for financial gain, this is an undeniable fact. However, despite their motivation, you should take care to build strong and lasting relationships with them that are not solely based on money. You can do that in many different ways, and one of them is by sending short “thank you” messages regularly.

You may have many reasons to thank your affiliates that you should take advantage of, but you should do so especially for their loyalty and the time they have spent with your company. Taking time to express your gratitude for them being loyal will show your affiliates that you value them and make them feel recognized and appreciated. And if you can send each affiliate a personalized greeting (this is a lot to ask for, we know!), your messages will deliver even better results.

thank you email marketing

Although this may not be a groundbreaking idea, many companies are simply unaware of or forget about the importance of leveraging effective “thank you” messages. Yet this kind of communication can significantly impact affiliates’ behavior and their attitudes toward your company. They are key emails in the process of improving affiliates’ loyalty.

Since many companies are constantly looking for affiliates to recruit and therefore tend to offer excellent financial terms and conditions on their affiliate programs, it’s the little details like “thank you” messages that can make all the difference in helping you keep your affiliates with your company and happy there.

Before we move onto email templates with “thank you” notes, let’s summarize the benefits of sending these kinds of messages to your affiliates.

Benefits of “thank you” emails

As you now know, the purpose of these emails is to improve affiliates’ loyalty, which is one of the biggest advantages of sending “thank you” messages. However, this type of email has other great benefits:

  • They help you maintain a positive, two-way relationship with your affiliates. This is because a selfless thank you reminds the recipient of relationships they have with people they know and care about, which therefore humanizes your brand.
  • They are an excellent way to improve your brand’s reputation, especially since not all companies send “thank you” messages to their affiliates.
  • They may also work to motivate affiliates that are loyal but haven’t been active lately. You can thank them for the time they previously spent with your company, and this will act as a kind of reminder to let them know that you are still there.
  • They can;t possibly have a negative impact because everyone likes to receive nice messages.

Now take a look at the “thank you” message templates that we created for you and choose those that suit your needs the most.

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email subject line examples

  • Thank you for working with us!
  • Today marks the [first/second/third, etc.] anniversary of you joining [affiliate program name]
  • It’s been [x months/year/two years, etc.] 
  • Thank you for making [these past months/this year/the last two years, etc.] awesome
  • We can’t thank you enough
  • [A year/6 months] of milestones
  • Do you remember what happened [6 months/one year/two years, etc.] ago? We do!
  • It’s been [6 months/a year/two years, etc.] already

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email template ideas

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email 1

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email 2

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email 3

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email 4

“Thank you” message to loyal affiliates – email 5

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should a “thank you” email be?

    A “thank you” email sent to affiliates should be, as any other type of online communication, short and concise. It’s best if the message doesn’t exceed 700 characters.

  • How often should I send “thank you” messages to affiliates?

    The frequency of “thank you” messages depends on your definition of a loyal affiliate, but sending one every six months or even per year is more than enough in general.

  • What’s the goal of “thank you” messages?

    The main goal of this kind of email is to acknowledge affiliates, strengthen your relationships with them, and even increase their loyalty.

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