–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Product or Service Changes

Product or Service Changes

Running an affiliate program can bring many benefits to every business that knows how to do it right. And by “do it right” we mean, among other things, keeping the program’s operations organized, using reliable affiliate marketing software, as well as measuring and analyzing publisher performance . There’s also the aspect concerning direct collaboration with affiliates. 

You or your program managers should make sure that your affiliates are supported, well-informed, and have all of the necessary resources to promote your products or services in the best way possible. This, in turn, can be achieved by sharing branded promotional materials with them and helping them deal with any problems, big or small, that they may face from time to time. Ensuring that publishers know about any changes to your products or services is also crucial. Combining all of these elements will increase your affiliate program’s chances of success and positively influence your company’s bottom line.

This article contains email templates that you can use to inform your affiliates about changes to your existing products or services, bug fixes, or the introduction of new features. Use these templates to keep affiliates in the loop and give them time to adjust their communication strategies or add new elements to their marketing campaigns. 

Product or Service Changes

What do we mean by product or service change?

As the ways of communicating updates, bug fixes, and new features to affiliates may all be similar, there are differences between product notifications and service changes. To make sure we are on the same page, let us briefly explain what we mean by a product or service change. Some simple updates include bug fixes, i.e., introducing technical improvements that don’t alter the way your product or service works. Sometimes you don’t even need to inform affiliates about such changes. 

However, other changes can be in the  form of new features or functionalities that add extra value to your products or require some actions from users. If that’s the case, you should inform affiliates about these enhancements and include all the necessary resources for them to learn more about the changes.

Although we have only referred directly to changes to digital products or services, you can also use the email templates that we have created if you leverage affiliate marketing to promote physical products or services provided offline.

Communicating product or service changes – email subject line examples

  • [Product/service] just got better!
  • Get to know the new features added to [product/service]
  • [Product/service] is changing
  • Your followers will like this…
  • Updated [product/service] is here
  • [Product/service] update announcement
  • New product, new capabilities
  • An update we’ve been all waiting for
  • New features you’ll love to promote

Product or service changes – email template ideas

Product or service changes – email 1

Product or service changes – email 2

Product or service changes – email 3

Product or service changes – email 4

Product or service changes – email  5

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should I inform all of my affiliates about a product or service change?

    Yes. Not knowing about product or service changes can affect your affiliates advertising methods and ultimately sales.

  • How long should an email informing about a product or service change be?

    Your emails should be concise, provide all of the necessary information, and sound interesting enough to encourage affiliates to learn more.

  • Should I inform all affiliates about a planned product change in advance or when it comes into effect?


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