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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Sharing feedback with affiliates

Sharing Feedback With Affiliates

Ensuring the success of your affiliate program requires paying attention to various different aspects. You need to constantly monitor the performance of your affiliates, motivate them, provide them with all of the  necessary materials and tools, support them in their day-to-day tasks, as well as regularly recruit and onboard new affiliates. And since these are just a few of all the tasks you need to take care of regularly, it’s clear that managing an affiliate program is a complex task.

Sharing feedback with affiliates, either regularly or even an ad-hoc basis, is an excellent way to facilitate your cooperation. In the long run, it will make your work easier by eliminating unacceptable behavior and endorsing aspects of your affiliates’ performance that help the program grow and expand. 

What should you remember about when sharing feedback with affiliates (and at work in general)?

Sharing Feedback With Affiliates

Tips for sharing feedback with affiliates

Balance positive aspects and areas for improvement

To share feedback properly,it’s best to refer to both the positive and negative aspects of an affiliate’s performance: negative to promote improvement and positive to reinforce and empower them.

The reason for sharing feedback is to help keep affiliates motivated, help them focus on points to improve, and also convey to them the feeling that they are already doing a good job.

Focus on the problem, not the person

This is one of the most important aspects of sharing feedback. Feedback can’t be a personal attack aimed to point out mistakes and demotivate affiliates. Instead, since it is not about who they are but what they do, it’s about addressing the behaviors that affect their performance. In addition, it is crucial to point out real-life examples when sharing opinions about affiliates’ work.

Don’t generalize, be specific

The more details you can provide in your feedback, the more meaningful the message will be. It’s best to refer to specific behaviors rather than assumptions or abstract examples. Generalizations often lead to personal interpretations and misunderstandings, both of which should be avoided at all costs. When delivering feedback, especially while sharing negative opinions, it’s recommended to use verbs and avoid adjectives in order to make your comments sound as constructive as possible.

Be transparent and communicate regularly

Having specific goals and clear expectations sets affiliates up for success. Therefore, it’s essential to connect with affiliates frequently to make sure that everyone knows where they stand regarding the affiliate program’s goals. Transparency and communication are also important at the affiliate program level because it helps to maintain open communication throughout the entire program, helping to create and maintain a collaborative culture.

Giving feedback and managing promoters is an ongoing task. Empowering affiliates to solve problems and improve their performance creates a culture of growth and innovation within the program. 

One of the channels that you can use to share feedback with affiliates is email. We have created five email templates to help you do exactly that quickly and effectively. You can obviously edit them to adjust the copy to your needs, but using the general layout will definitely save you lots of time.

Sharing feedback with affiliates – email subject line examples

  • Thank you for [doing something]
  • Let’s keep growing together
  • It’s time to look back at the last [X] months of our cooperation
  • We hope you will find this feedback useful
  • Feedback on your work for [affiliate program name]
  • About your performance this month

Sharing feedback with affiliates – email template ideas

Sharing feedback with affiliates email 1

Sharing feedback with affiliates email 2

Sharing feedback with affiliates email 3

Sharing feedback with affiliates email 4

Sharing feedback with affiliates email 5

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to share feedback with affiliates?

    ou don’t have to, but continual sharing of opinions will help affiliates improve their performance and thus positively influence your company’s bottom line.

  • How to deliver negative feedback?

    It’s always challenging to share negative feedback with your affiliates, but the most important rule here is to evaluate or criticize actions, not people.

  • Should I share feedback with affiliates regularly?

    It depends on your strategy here – you can either send affiliates messages with feedback periodically or contact them concerning a particular situation that you want to share your opinion about whenever one occurs.

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