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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Rebrand PDF

What is Rebrand PDF?

Rebrand PDF is an advanced optional feature of Post Affiliate Pro (available only for the Ultimate and Network plans) which is a professional rebranding solution that allows you to create a special type of promotional material: e-books, PDFs, or an image with accompanying text that can be easily rebranded. Your promotional material would need to be created only once and uploaded to Post Affiliate Pro.

Your affiliates will automatically get their own rebranded copy of the promotional materials, with their name, affiliate links, and texts, among other variables if chosen. There is no need to run any Windows program for branding, they will simply download the rebranded PDF. All the rebranding is made automatically in the background in Post Affiliate Pro.

Using this method, there is no need to use any external .exe programs.

Rebrand PDF

Advantages of Rebrand PDF

  • It’s a powerful tool to rebrand your PDF files, e-books, or images.
  • Simple for authors to use – create your PDF document in any editor that you choose (we recommend a free editor like OpenOffice or LibreOffice). Remember to use only the predefined replacement variables supported by Post Affiliate Pro.
  • In addition, it is even easier for the affiliate – they only have to download the rebranded PDF file or send the download link to their customers; no other action is required.

How it works

It is very simple for both the publisher and the affiliate. There’s no need to use Windows .exe program for rebranding since everything is done in the background by Rebrand PDF .

For publishers / marketers

You can write your promotional material in any editor, convert it to a PDF document, and upload the PDF file to Post Affiliate Pro.
You should use predefined replacement constants in the parts you would like to rebrand, such as {$name}, or writing the affiliate link and adding the {$refid} variable.

For affiliates

It is simple, an affiliate only clicks to download the promotional material from their affiliate control panel.

During the download, PDF rebrander automatically replaces all the replacement variables with real values, so the affiliate’s promotional materials will contain their affiliate links, name, and other details.

Go deeper with promotional features
Post Affiliate Pro's promotional features can help you and your affiliate promote your products with no extra charges. Get started today!
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Go deeper with promotional features

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is rebrand PDF?

    Rebrand PDF is an advanced optional feature that allows you to create a special type of promotional materials.

  • What are rebrand PDFs useful for?

    Rebrand PDFs are most helpful in making promotional materials like e-books.

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