–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Private campaigns

What is a private campaign?

The private campaign feature allows you to prepare special campaigns for a selected number of affiliates, and hide those campaigns from the affiliates that are not supposed to see them.

By default, all marketing campaigns in Post Affiliate Pro are public for all affiliates to promote. Meaning that all your affiliates have access to promote any or all of your campaigns.

Private campaigns allow you to select affiliates for your campaigns in 3 specific ways:

  1. Public campaign
  2. Public with manual approval
  3. Private 
Private campaigns

Public campaigns

These are campaigns that are visible to all affiliates partners. Your affiliates can view these campaigns in their panels and can use them at their leisure. Affiliates can promote these campaigns as long as your campaign is valid.

Campaign manager

Public campaigns that require manual approval 

This type of campaign is visible to all affiliates partners, however, they have to be approved by you, the merchant, before they can promote or use banners from that campaign. In this way, you can control which affiliates promote certain products. To determine which affiliates are suitable for your campaigns, you can view information-specific metrics within Post Affiliate Pro.

Campaign manager with manual app

Private campaigns

It is only possible to participate in private affiliate campaigns if an affiliate partner has been specifically invited by the merchant. You will find this feature most useful if you wish to target a particular market for your marketing efforts. Or if you know from affiliate performance analysis that certain affiliate partners perform better than others with certain target groups. You can use this data to optimize your marketing strategy to get higher conversion rates, get more views on your landing page, or generate more revenue.

Campaigns manager private

Too things to look for in an affiliate agreement?
Post Affiliate Pro is an ideal solution for every side of affiliate marketing.
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Too things to look for in an affiliate agreement?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are campaigns in affiliate marketing?

    An affiliate marketing campaign is typically a set of processes and activities performed by affiliates that lead customers to landing pages and generate more sales.

  • How can I manage affiliate marketing campaigns?

    Post Affiliate Pro provides a robust affiliate management software that allows you to track leads, control commissions, issue payouts, set up campaigns, create banners, and more.

  • Why should I use private campaigns?

    Private campaigns can be best used in situations where you need to target a certain audience, or you would like to use your best-performing affiliate partners to promote your product.

Discover the latest updates and bug fixes in Post Affiliate Pro to enjoy a more seamless and efficient experience!

Post Affiliate Pro – The Latest Enhancements and Fixes in May 2023

Post Affiliate Pro has made several improvements and bug fixes in May, including enabling the visitor ID column for commission lists and fixing issues with notifications and affiliate invoices. They have also made enhancements to the affiliate signup process and added new search options to transaction details.

Peel banner has a flash animation embedded. It can be displayed in the left top corner, right top corner or both top corners.

Peel banners

Interactive, in-depth marketing strategies like peel banners help engage audiences, making them superior to static content. The competition is fierce, so staying ahead is crucial.

Make your account more secure with 2-step verification and prevent anyone from obtaining your sensitive information.

2-step verification

The process for setting up 2-step verification in Post Affiliate Pro is the same for both merchants and affiliates, through the Edit profile section.

What is CPS, how do you use it in Post Affiliate Pro and how does it benefit your business, all this can be found in this article.


The CPS advertising model offers easy customization and numerous benefits for online businesses, including commission tracking and affiliate management.

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