–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Lifetime commissions

What are Lifetime Commissions?

The Lifetime Commissions plugin allows you to look at and obtain some unique identifiers during traced sales, the most common being the customer’s email address. However, it can be anything you choose, especially if it is unique to the customer. If there is no lifetime relationship yet, then the plugin either creates it or, if it already exists, gives a commission to the affiliate with whom this relationship exists. In addition, such tracking is superior to cookies and even after their expiration (maximum validity 365 days) it is not necessary to click on the affiliate link again. All tracked sales with this identifier will give a commission to the affiliate who has a lifetime relationship with this customer.

How does an affiliate program work

Until the relationship between the affiliate partner and customer is terminated or manually removed from the database (using the Lifetime Referral Manager feature) or until the Lifetime Commission plugin is turned off, the affiliate partner will receive a commission for sales/leads generated by the customer.

In basic terms, cookie lifetime refers to the period of time during which any actions performed by a user referred by an affiliate on your site are credited to that affiliate. For user actions, you will only generate commissions for the first or last affiliate partner who referred the customer to your site.

The advantage of Lifetime Commissions is that a lifetime relationship can be valid for more than 365 days (the maximum cookie lifetime) and purchases from the same customer always give a commission to the same affiliate, even if the customer clicks on a different affiliate’s link/banner every day.

Affiliates & Clicks reports in Post Affiliate Pro

The function of this plugin is based on the fact that you can identify a customer by using unique identification (e.g. email). After the customer makes their first sale, Post Affiliate Pro will create a relationship between the customer and the referring affiliate partner, and all the sales from that customer will be assigned to the particular affiliate partner, even if the customer makes the next purchase using another device.

The commission will be assigned to the affiliate marketer with whom the customer has a lifetime relationship, even if the customer was referred by another affiliate marketer on a different device. This is because the Lifetime Commissions feature takes priority over other types of tracking, such as browser cookies or IP addresses.

What are the benefits of implementing Lifetime Commissions?

Typically, higher-quality affiliates tend to sign up for lifetime commissions since they take longer to establish. A good affiliate marketer understands the nuances of marketing affiliate products, researches the products and market, and develops sales funnels to convert cold traffic into income. Affiliates who genuinely understand this are willing to invest in the development of that income stream.

They’re not necessarily searching for the vendor who offers the best per-sale payout. In the end, they are looking for vendors who have good retention strategies, so they will benefit financially in the long run.

Implementing Lifetime Commissions provides this indirect benefit. Affiliate marketers who are offered a lifetime commission on a product or service will do their best to secure that sale.

Ready to start using lifetime commissions?
Post Affiliate Pro is an ideal solution for every side of affiliate marketing.
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Ready to start using lifetime commissions?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Lifetime Commission?

    The Lifetime Commissions plugin allows you to look at and obtain some unique identifiers during traced sales, the most common being the customer’s email address. The Lifetime Commissions plugin then either creates it or, if it already exists, gives a commission to the affiliate with whom this relationship exists.

  • Why do affiliate advertisers prefer lifetime commissions over pay-per-click payouts?

    Lifetime commissions offer a more reliable, stable, and problem-free relationship between affiliate promoters and affiliate programs.

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