–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Direct links tracking

Affiliates use Direct Linking (DL) to link directly to advertisers without additional parameters in the URL. It is important to note that the visitors have to click the link on the affiliate’s website, otherwise the click won’t be tracked without affiliate parameters. By clicking on the tracking link, affiliates receive credit for the click, and the visitor’s browser loads the advertiser’s page. The tracking URLs are used to reward affiliate partners for sales. DirectLink tracking is the most advanced, SEO-friendly tracking tool available on the affiliate software market. Post Affiliate Pro allows you to implement this unique tracking feature in all available plans.

How does DirectLink tracking work in Post Affiliate Pro?

For affiliates that are just getting started and are unsure about their ability to design a compelling landing page, direct linking is a great option. DirectLink visitors can be recognized by the HTTP_REFERER information sent by their browsers. This is the address of the page from which the visitor is referred to the destination page. The HTTP_REFERER will be the address of the page when a visitor clicks a link on the affiliate’s page.

This page will then be checked in your database by Post Affiliate Pro to see if it belongs to an affiliate, at which point it will assign that affiliate the referral (and click).

This method depends on the browser and is considered reliable most of the time. The information is sent by all current browsers, and thanks to the advantages listed below, you can rely on it for your primary linking strategy.

Direct Link tracking allows merchants to track sales back to the affiliate and pay rewards. The Direct Linking tracking method also helps identify top affiliates and reward them accordingly. This method is the best way to raise your position on Google, and it is also an amazing SEO technique.

Direct links explained w/o creator

  • Many visitors do not want to click on a link that they recognize as an affiliate link, by using direct linking they won’t know they are clicking on one. Visitors will be more skeptical of clicking on a link or believing a review if your affiliates use affiliate links in their blog or review site. With direct links, no one will know the links are advertising your products.
  • The affiliate parameters will not be damaged or removed by visitors. Despite the fact that affiliate links do not have any disadvantages, there are still people who don’t like to shop through them. They would rather remove the affiliate parameters from the URL after copying it to their browser.
  • In terms of search engine friendliness, it is the best method available. The more backlinks pointing to your website, the better your chance of ranking high on Google. DirectLinks allows your affiliates to link to your website without adding any extra parameters, which is great for SEO.
Improve your link tracking
Post Affiliate Pro can help you handle all types of tracking, including tracking of various links. Get started today with our free trial!
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Improve your link tracking

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Direct Link Tracking?

    The direct link tracking method links directly to advertisers without requiring additional parameters in the URL.

  • To get more sales, make affiliates happier, and enhance your SEO.

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