–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Banner rotator

What is a banner rotator?

Banner rotators are a form of a banner that rotates other banners that users see while browsing your website. Rotating banners are designed to stand out on a website and attract potential customers.

The banner rotator loads banners assigned to it while people are browsing the affiliate’s website and rotates them. Rotating banners on a website makes them more visible to visitors. Banner rotator settings allow you to add banners, the time frame of when the banner is going to be displayed, and the banner’s rank (which banner is going to be shown the most). The list of banners within your banner manager also contains basic statistics (number of clicks, CTR, and more).

Banner advertisements are great tools for smaller businesses as they rely on leads and conversions to grow. Publishers with a larger audience utilize more sophisticated ad-serving systems. While newspaper ads and local media used to be sufficient for most small businesses, modern-day publishers need much more advanced tools to target ads for site visitors better.

How do you make a rotating banner in Post Affiliate Pro?

Banners Manager

You can give your affiliates a wide selection of promotional materials so they can promote your website or products in a way they see fit.

All promotional materials can be managed in the merchant panel in Banners > Banners manager.

Banner manager Sept 2021

In the Banners manager, you can find several pre-made sample banners which show you how this is done. You can edit or delete these, and you can also create new ones. Each banner is associated with a particular campaign.

Here you can find more information about other types of banners.

Banner statistics

You can view detailed statistics about each banner created in Post Affiliate Pro. You can also compare different types of banners side by side, or analyze which types of banners are more effective in your affiliate program.

Post Affiliate Pro - banner statistics
Enhance your presentation with banners
Post Affiliate Pro offers a selection of promotional materials without any extra payment. Get started today with our trial!
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Enhance your presentation with banners

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a banner rotator?

    A banner rotator rotates other banners that visitors see on your site. The purpose of rotating banners on a website is to draw attention and attract new customers.

  • Why should I use a banner rotator on my page?

    Any company looking to increase sales should look at every possibility to increase revenue. Banner rotators in marketing are cheap and keep potential customers’ attention longer.

  • How can I implement a banner rotator on my page if I cannot code?

    If you want problem-free integration with 24/7 assistance available, Post Affiliate Pro is a great choice to not only add a banner rotator, but also provide the #1 affiliate tracking software on the market.

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