–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Post Affiliate Pro

Post Affiliate Pro – exciting improvements and fixes in July 2023

Jana Kostelanska

September 21, 2023
Last modified on September 21, 2023 at 10:26 am

Hello there, Post Affiliate Pro users! As with each month, our team has been persistently working on improving your experience with the software. This July, we bring to you new features, enhancements, and fixes that will undoubtedly augment your affiliate program management. Let’s get straight to the summary of this month’s updates!

Private campaign status filter’s debut

Now you can navigate effortlessly through your private campaigns by filtering your affiliates by status. This new filter is all about giving you a faster, sharper, and clearer view of your campaigns. Simplified strategies lead to amplified results!

Post Affiliate Pro - private campaign filter

Affiliate sale tracking codes – the next level

More depth and more detail! We’ve added affiliate sale tracking codes for recurring commissions, fine-tuning the feature to be more intuitive and user-centric.

Effortless logos

We’ve made an update with the affiliate program logo configuration! There was an error in an edge case (when opting for an empty logo) that caused the configuration page to be unresponsive, but now, that’s a thing of the past. Enjoy a smooth and responsive configuration page with your logo changes!

Plugin prowess enhanced

Experience an even more seamless creation of affiliate accounts with the ‘User ID as autoincremented sequence’ plugin. Regardless of whether the current UserID field contains numbers or not, affiliate accounts will be successfully created when setting up this plugin. Seamless operations lead to seamless success!

Shopify plugin – broadening horizons

Tracking has been ramped up on the Shopify plugin. Now, you have the added option to trace the order number and the company using the data fields. It’s about giving you a fuller, richer understanding of your sales dynamics.

Integrate Shopify with Post Affiliate Pro

Shopify plugin’s glow-up

We’ve enhanced the Shopify Plugin’s features to give you a smoother and more streamlined affiliate journey on the Shopify platform. This includes refining the process of creating new customers, the VAT deduction in newly created orders, and the Shopify hook request verification.

Membership subscription manager’s evolution

It’s all about connections! The affiliate creation process for the Membership Subscription Manager feature has been improved to also automatically set the parent affiliate. With these enhancements, your affiliate tree will grow even faster!

Coupon code elegance

Whether your coupon codes are plain or filled with flair, we’ve improved our system to recognize them all with utmost precision. Now, coupons containing special characters are correctly recognized even when received via pixel/postback tracking!

Optimized reporting experience

We’re embracing a lean and mean approach to reports. Periodical email reports (daily, weekly, monthly) sent out to merchants and affiliates won’t be sent if there is no new traffic for this period, reducing empty reports. Only the most pertinent updates for your eyes, ensuring you always have the freshest insights.

Want to explore all the possibilities?
Post Affiliate Pro is an ideal solution for every side of affiliate marketing.
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Want to explore all the possibilities?

With these updates, we are committed to delivering an ever-improving platform for affiliate management. We appreciate your continuous support and look forward to bringing more enhancements. Keep an eye out for August’s features and fixes!

Discover the latest updates and bug fixes in Post Affiliate Pro to enjoy a more seamless and efficient experience!

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Post Affiliate Pro has made several updates and improvements, including strengthened password security, added date created for affiliate channels, and addressing security vulnerabilities. They have also optimized functionality and resolved user issues.

Is your business looking to expand with affiliate or partner marketing? Learn more about the differences and benefits with Post Affiliate Pro.

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Affiliate marketing is evolving into partner marketing, fostering two-way partnerships that bring mutual benefits and increase credibility.

Post Affiliate Pro mobile apps have just been updated to version Check out the key improvements that we made.

New Update – Post Affiliate Pro

Increase affiliate marketing revenue with Post Affiliate Pro. Sign up now to access your account and start building your dashboard.

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