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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

kate trysh Dnkr_lmdKi8 unsplash

Non-standard ways of promotion: affiliate programs (to attract more affiliates to your program)

Andrej Csizmadia

September 29, 2020
Last modified on September 8, 2022 at 10:59 am

The goal of affiliate marketing is to promote your product and generate sales. But what can you do to promote an affiliate program and encourage others to join it? 

By reading this article, you will learn how to advertise your affiliate program effectively to attract as many affiliates as possible and, as a result, achieve the best financial outcome.

Good start – have a strategy 

Before starting your affiliate program, you need to know what it will look like in detail. Consider whether cooperation with a niche blogger will work in your industry, or maybe engaging a famous influencer will produce the best results. There are many options to choose from. 

You can also try different strategies at the same time. Choose one main strategy and add one or two supporting ones. Consider all possible scenarios and choose the one that works best for your business. Also, decide how you’ll pay your affiliates. You can choose:

  • PPC (pay per click) – a fee for each customer who was redirected to your website.
  • PPS (pay per sale) – a percentage from each deal that was closed thanks to an affiliate.
  • PPL (pay per lead) – payment for generating the desired action, e.g., when a customer signs up for a newsletter.

If you’ve already established a preferred payment method, you should consider the commission percentage. There is no standard amount – it all depends on the terms of cooperation and the industry you’re in. To ensure your affiliate program is complete and ready to onboard affiliates, take your time to figure out all the details mentioned above. 

Customer service reporting

Reverse roles

To promote your affiliate program, you need to start thinking like an affiliate. Now your program is the product, and the affiliates are your clients. So what would convince a good affiliate marketer to start promoting your product or service?

At the very beginning, start with some research. Where will you find the best affiliates who will be willing to cooperate? Look for those who have your target audience within reach. Consider social networks, social media groups, or ask for recommendations. Then, analyze the activities of those affiliates who interest you. 

Create posts in affiliate groups or social media groups for professionals from your industry. Word of mouth is the best promotion. It would be best if you also have some essential information about your target audience – that is, the affiliates. Do they value a specific payment method? Do they appreciate freedom and room for creativity in creating content? Emphasize the aspects that they care about most when promoting your affiliate program. 

Present your company as a trusted employer

Building trust as an employer will help you attract affiliate marketers. You can point out that your company has been operating on the market for a long time, which means employment stability. If your business is small, talk about its friendly atmosphere. Don’t forget to mention bonuses or rewards, if you provide any.

Most affiliates prefer pay-per-impression methods, but this approach is quite risky for businesses. Performance-based payments are much more convenient for merchants, which may be a problem when persuading affiliates to join your program. 

Thus, you need to provide affiliates with favorable conditions of cooperation so that they are inclined to join you regardless of the alternative payment methods you use. For that to happen, you need to establish a bond with them and build trust, otherwise, the cooperation will not be very fruitful. You can agree to operate on a pay per sale basis and give extra bonuses for exceptional results. Remember to include all of this in the posts that promote your affiliate program.

Voice broadcasting illustration

Cooperate with companies from your industry

Consider placing banner ads on sites that are important to your business. Google keywords that are relevant to your offer for the best results. If websites in the top 10 results are not owned by your competitors, you can reach an agreement with the owners and place your banner ads on their sites. Also, make sure that the “Cooperation” and “Contact us” tabs are visible. Of course, don’t forget to advertise your affiliate program on your own website. 

Reach your loyal customers 

An excellent way to promote your affiliate program is to ask your loyal customers for help. Ask them if they are interested in joining the program. Don’t be intrusive, and don’t contact them too often. If you manage to turn a customer into an affiliate, the news about your collaboration will spread quickly. Other potential affiliates will hear about you, and most likely will be interested in working with you too.

Final thoughts

Now you know some non-standard ways of promoting your affiliate programs. The basic rule is to put yourself into affiliates’ shoes. Think like them, and it will pay off. You will also appreciate the affiliate’s job more. It is not easy to promote someone else’s product and convince others to buy it. Promoting your affiliate program is not a piece of cake, but hopefully, with these tips, you will know how to get started.

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