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Industry, and Tips and Guides

How To Increase Affiliate Sales And Revenue With Online Video

Andrej Csizmadia

June 3, 2018
Last modified on January 10, 2023 at 9:35 am

In the world of affiliate marketing, everyone is always looking for what’s next and how to get an upper hand on the competition. With nearly every niche market being tapped and competition at its highest levels ever, it’s now time to get creative and put in the extra effort where others aren’t.

One such area that is still untapped, yet growing daily, is the world of online video. With more demand for video than ever before, it’s still one of the best ways to not only provide better content for your audience, but to also edge out the competition in the process. To find the most success with your campaigns, it’s important to always implement the latest affiliate tips and working methods.

With more people using their mobile devices and tablets to access the internet, less users are going to Google for their content. Instead, they are heading to their favorite social platform and video — both of which are delivering billions of video impressions daily.

Create a Whiteboard Explainer Video


Have you ever been to a website that sells a product or service, but you had no idea what it was or how to get started? It happens all the time. Sometimes businesses just don’t know how to properly explain their business or products through text and images. If you want to make a great first impression to your audience and increase conversions in the process, you need to explore your options with whiteboard explainer videos.

In the past, the process of hiring a graphic and video designer would cost thousands of dollars, thus eliminating a ton of affiliates and marketers that are working on tight margins. Now through the use of drag-and-drop video creation tools like mysimpleshow, anyone can create a whiteboard explainer video in minutes. If you have the time or expertise, the option is also there to upload your own audio files and custom artwork.

Once you have a video created for your site, be sure to split test the results. We’re sure the video will perform quite better!

Launching Your Own Video Course or Membership Site


Affiliate marketers come in all shapes and sizes. Once one of them finds success, they might also start exploring options with creating their own products or services — instead of just referring leads and getting a percentage of the total sale. This is especially true for any marketers who might be promoting offers through Clickbank, which is focused on only digital products and services.

With a focus on online video, there is another huge opportunity here for anyone looking to share and sell their expertise through online courses. The abundance of course creation tools available means that technical skills aren’t required to create an online course or membership site that can start generating income instantly. If you know how to create content or record video, then you are more than qualified to have a successful course or member site of your own.

This is something I recently found a great deal of success with when I launched my Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing and Blogging in 2018. With over 20 years of experience in the world of online marketing and branding, it made perfect sense to bring all of my expertise and content together in video form.

The key takeaway here is that if you are already finding a lot of success with promoting other products, courses or membership sites… why not create one of your own and collect 100% of the revenue from sales? 

Use Video to Improve Subscriber Conversion Rates

socials in lead generation

Many affiliate sales and leads start with a simple call to action like entering an email address. On the following page it will usually just go to a simple thank you page and telling the user to check their email to verify it’s real. While this is great in theory, it’s actually just a huge missed opportunity.

Two things are wrong here. The first is not giving the user something to act upon. Sure, you are asking them to check their email, but they would eventually do this anyway. The other thing is that you could gain the trust of your audience and further engage with them by showing a quick video on your confirmation page.

A great way to improve conversion rates on your email confirmation and also when the user hits the first confirmation page, is to engage with them through a video and getting to know them.

Something as simple as:

“Hi, my name is ___. Please check your inbox for a quick confirmation email. I’d also like to take a moment to show you about our latest promotion below…”

On this same page, you would then lead your prospect into whatever your final call to action or upsell would be. In summary, don’t send your email leads to a dead page just telling them “Success” or “Check your email”. Instead, use a quick video to engage with them, get more personal, and also walk them into that next call to action.

Online Video isn’t the Future… It’s Now

The reason why online video is so effective and works, is because it’s what people want. The numbers don’t lie, and they are just going to keep on increasing over time. Even if your video doesn’t have custom audio or sound, it can still make a world of a difference. In fact, the majority of video consumed on Facebook, is watched without any sound at all.

Primary forms of media used within content strategy in 2021

Start using video to better engage with your audience and increase conversions across the board. Implement each of the quick video tips above to see how you can start better engaging with your audience and increasing profits and ROI in the process. Remember, these methods aren’t just for affiliate marketers, but everyone doing any type of lead generation or sales online.

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