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Industry, and Tips and Guides

7 Ways To Promote Your E-Commerce Product Without Being Salesy

Andrej Csizmadia

July 5, 2018
Last modified on January 26, 2022 at 5:36 pm

Did you know that the average person uses the social media for almost two hours every day? Over the course of one lifetime, the total of this comes up to five years of social media activity for the common user, which is a very big number.

Some would consider this number a concerning one, but social media is a great tool for engaging with family, friends, and brands people love. Knowing this, you need to leverage online platforms to connect with the target audience and eventually convince them to purchase your e-commerce product.

Promoting a product online is not at all easy. If you get the message right, the social post can promote your product further than you could even anticipate. But, if you get it wrong…

This is why many great salespeople fail to attract followers and buyers of their products or services. They cannot find the right balance and turn up as too salesy, making people leave their page instead of like it. An effective strategy will make it seem like you really have what it takes for people to trust you and you simply cannot achieve this if you just keep pushing people toward liking your product.

‘’People will follow you and buy from you if they see you as a worthy salesman. They will share your posts, order your product and spread the word around. But, you cannot force their will out of them – they will do all this and more only if they want to do it in the first place’’ – says Brittany Jefferson, a marketing strategist.

Do you have a set strategy, a person to write the best type of content, and great design ideas for your online presence? This is amazing, but you need much more when it comes to actual product offering. Using promotional content and bombarding every potential customer with information won’t convince them that your product is good enough for them. If it sounds to salesy, you will fall flat.

Promotional content should definitely promote your products, but it is not how you sell things to people online. If you sound too pushy when attempting to make a sale, you will just keep pushing people away.

The following infographic created by College Papers should help you identify the seven most effective strategies for selling your e-commerce product online. Combine the ones you find most fitting for your product and make more sales than you can dream of making!

7 Ways To Promote Your E-Commerce Product Without Being Salesy
Lucy Benton

Guest Post Author

Lucy Benton

Lucy Benton is a marketing specialist, business consultant and helps people to turn their dreams into the profitable business. Now she is writing for marketing and business resources.

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