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Industry, and Tips and Guides

7 Landing Page Best Practices to Increase Affiliate Sales

Andrej Csizmadia

October 8, 2020
Last modified on September 8, 2022 at 10:53 am

Planning to engage in affiliate marketing but don’t know how to get started? Don’t worry! In this comprehensive guide, you will know everything about the landing page and affiliate marketing. Are you ready? Keep reading for more information! 

What is a Landing Page?

Known as a standalone web page, a landing page is tailored for an advertising campaign of any type. It is where a prospective visitor lands after clicking on a link in different platforms such as email, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Bing. 

Compared to web pages, a landing page is created and developed with a single goal, commonly called a call to action (CTA). When used properly, a landing page is one of the perfect solutions to increase conversion rates of advertising campaigns and cut down the cost of turning visitors into potential clients. 

How to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing?

You have tried social media marketing, search engine optimization, PPC, account-based marketing, and referral programs. What are you going to do next? It’s time to take advantage of affiliate marketing. 

Web traffic can play a crucial role in turning a business into a success. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the go-to option for startups and established companies to increase internet visibility and acquire a pool of customers. 

But the cost of search engine optimization continues to double this 2020. Of course, SEO services’ costs vary. Generally, most projects cost from $750 to $2,000 per month. A one-time project, on the other hand, is usually available at $5,000 or $30,000. The hourly rates for SEO consultants range from $80 to $200. But it depends! There are also companies that provide a competitive rate. 

Whether you run a startup or don’t have enough budget to hire an SEO expert, affiliate marketing is a more cost-effective solution in taking your online presence and web traffic to the next level. 

When handled according to the industry’s highest standards, affiliate marketing can bring a large volume of traffic. In 2017 alone, users clicked over 5 billion times. Affiliate marketing networks, on the contrary, carried out around 170 million transactions, according to experts. 

Another advantage of affiliate marketing is that it helps businesses of any niche reach new customer bases in different corners of the globe. 

Let’s say you have more than 30 affiliates in your program to promote your products or services. Whenever they market your business to their audience, you can get publicity, creating noise in your target market as effectively as possible. After some time, your web traffic improves, generating leads, and acquiring prospective clients. 

Affiliate marketing provides social proof. Online reviews can play a critical role in the process, according to research. Around 95% of today’s shoppers read reviews before making a shopping decision. This means publishers are trusted by their audience. Whenever they give a review of your product, it provides social proof for your brand. 

Posting a picture preview to give positive feedback

Another advantage of affiliate marketing is its potential to build brand awareness. While publishers drive traffic to websites, it expands your reach, leading to overall brand awareness. This enables your business to be easily recognized regardless of the intense competition. It also helps build trust over time. 

Affiliate marketing provides other possibilities. It offers a good return on investment, creates long-term partnerships with reliable salespeople, boosts your search engine optimization, allows for accurate data tracking, and guarantees easy integration with other popular advertising strategies this 2020. 

Best Practices

It’s true that landing pages can help increase affiliate sales, directly support your specific business goals, boost conversions, generate insights about customers, level up your paid search campaigns, grow your email list, make you an authority in your chosen niche, and improve brand awareness. 

But it is easier said than done. You might forget your unique selling proposition, create an unclear call to action, develop a poor quality headline, include uninteresting images, or use not mobile-friendly layout. 

Don’t worry! In this section, we have gathered some of the best practices that will help you get the most out of affiliate marketing. So, without further ado, let’s begin! 

Never Underestimate the Power of Words 

7 Landing Page Best Practices to Increase Affiliate Sales

It’s disappointing to land on a page that doesn’t make sense. Potential customers usually leave the page and find other relevant websites. This means you are losing a number of prospective clients to your competition because of a poorly written content.

If you are planning to use affiliate marketing, make sure the content on your landing page is advertising-friendly, appealing, and conversion-centered. It must be short and straightforward. Avoid too long content to impress clients. A page that resonates to the needs of your target market is more than enough. 

When developing your landing page content, be sure it catches the visitor’s attention. That’s why it is crucial to study and understand your target audience. What are their needs, pain points, expectations, and goals? Make the content relevant and useful to generate leads and boost visitor conversion. 

Once you caught their attention, don’t forget to increase their interest as they read the page. This is a bit tricky, especially when you don’t have a prior experience. Don’t worry! There are certified and experienced professionals you can hire to make the process seamless and stress-free. Then, show them the way to take action. 

Emphasize What Your Visitors Can Get from Your Product/Services 

While it is good to highlight the accomplishments of your organization, what do you think is the reason why visitors came to the page? 

Well, they don’t care about your company. They look for something that can solve their problems at the moment. 

The trick here is to emphasize what your visitors can get from your services. That is why it is important to determine and understand their pain points when developing your advertising campaign. 

What are their problems or needs? If you are fully aware of your target client, you can easily create a marketing campaign that converts visitors to loyal clients at the end of the day. 

Instead of providing features, include as many benefits as possible into your web page. But don’t overdo it. Present the information well. In the early part of your content, provide the most important advantage of your services. Then, end it with a bang. 

Since content creation requires a lot of effort, it is perfect to hire a qualified and competent professional. While they develop your page according to your expectations, you can focus on other crucial aspects in running a business. But you can also get it done yourself especially when you know the process. 

Be Simple and Specific 

7 Landing Page Best Practices to Increase Affiliate Sales

It’s true that an appealing and stylish landing page helps attract visitors and ensure client conversion. 

But sometimes marketers make their web page super grand, losing its main purpose. As a result, visitors are more likely to get distracted with what they see on the page. Then, the risk of living on the site is higher than ever. 

The secret here is to simplify everything, from design to content. While the aesthetic value catches interest, visitors want useful information. It is what matters the most. 

Simple, user-friendly, and easy to navigate content is what customers look for today. 

It is also necessary to be specific. What’s your purpose in your marketing campaign? What do you want your target customer to understand from your content? Make sure you are straightforward but professional at the same time. 

Whether you are a beginner or have a busy schedule, it is suitable to hire an expert to make your first project successful and stress-free. But be wary when selecting a company. Direct your attention to professionals who provide one of the highest quality and safest services in the industry. 

Once you have chosen a specialist, don’t forget to establish rapport and share your goals to receive solutions that you expect in the first place. 

Don’t Forget Your Call to Action 

Post Affiliate Pro blog CTAs

As part of content creation, incorporate a call to action. What is it really, and how does it work? A Call to Action is developed to prompt users to visit a particular page or perform other actions. 

CTAs come in different types, including Leads, Product Discovery, Sharing, Event Promoter, Sale Closer, Continue Reading, and more. 

Which is the best kind of CTA? Well, it depends on your needs or requirements. 

The lead CTA is used to convert web visitors into repeat buyers. Although not all possible prospects will buy, use the lead CTA as a great way to provide additional opportunities. 

The product discovery CTA, on the other hand, is commonly found on most websites, which intends to lead visitors to services of the company. 

Event promoter CTA alerts visitors to promotions. 

Whether you want to use the lead or product discovery CTA, you can be sure it can destroy decision fatigue, ensure that the content is meaningful, increase sales, and grow your audience. 

CTA is also proven effective in improving the performance of your website, which can result in high conversion rates. 

On the landing page, for instance, CTAs increase client conversion by 80%. More than that, CTAs establish connections between consumers and businesses. They provide access to content, decreasing frustration, and stress. 

Highlight Customer Testimonials

Before, it was tricky to establish a trust or increase credibility in affiliate marketing. Things have changed today. Using customer testimonials in landing pages makes the process simpler than ever. 

But what type of customer testimonials to use? Well, there are many options to take advantage of. Popular and effective solutions include quote testimonials, social media testimonials, consumer reviews, influencer testimonials, blog post reviews, case studies, video testimonials, media coverage, and documentary series. 

As the earliest type of testimonial, quotes first appeared in newspapers. Now, quotes testimonials are used in product pages, commercial intent pages, home pages, and other types of content. 

Consumer review is another tool to provide social proof and make you an industry leader. When clients are overjoyed with your services, encourage them to leave a review on designated platforms. When used properly, this leads to customer loyalty and trust. 

Video testimonials, on the contrary, are getting more popular this 21st century. More than 51.9% of professionals consider video testimonials as to the type of content that guarantees the best return on investment. 

Aside from animation, try to make the video short, relevant, and interesting. Avoid too long videos as not all of your target customers have enough time to watch the content. 

Concise, accurate, and short video testimonials are better than expected. 

Put Native Ads & Build an Email List 

Have you ever heard of native ads before? Not yet? As a paid content, native advertisement is a type of information that may consist of videos, infographics, and articles.

The top countries which use Post Affiliate Pro

Due to its adaptable design and in-feed placement, native ads ensure 5 times higher CTRs compared to banner ads. It is cost-efficient. It provides scalable results, leads to sophisticated targeting, offers high engagement, and even increases brand loyalty. 

Landing pages with native ads and other useful elements can also help build an email list. But try to publish a good page, design a clear CTA, include social proof, write thought-provoking copy, and highlight your services. 


A lot of marketers believe that pop-ups can negatively affect their landing pages. The truth is that pop-ups can add relevance, increase your click-thru rate, and level up visitor’s landing page experience. 

However, it is imperative to delay when the pop up appears on the page. This gives the user enough time to explore the content. You can deploy pop-ups when a visitor reads through the webpage. 

Alternatively, you can use a header pop up bar or a sticky footer as it has proven to improve conversions, boost sign-ups, and build your email list in the long run. 

If you want to make the most out of your landing page pop-ups, check these 7 best practices for pop-ups for better conversion.

Other Tips and Tricks When Developing Your Landing Page

7 Landing Page Best Practices to Increase Affiliate Sales

Yes, there are many factors to consider when writing a landing page. Use these tips to streamline the process: 

  • Spend time on the design. Your landing page must be properly formatted. It must have a heading, subheading, and call to action. The layout should be simple. The imagery should be attractive.
  • Don’t be afraid to spy. What type of landing pages your competitions use? Don’t be ashamed to study your competition. It helps.
  • Analyze their lead magnets. It’s all right when you encounter some trouble finding the lead magnet that matches with your business. Analyze the lead magnets of your competitors. Then, incorporate these ideas to formulate something new.
  • Speed up your landing page. You have an appealing and quality landing page. But it is not enough when the loading speed is poor and inefficient. So, improve its speed before anything else.
  • Optimize media content. Plain content worked before. It is different in the 21st century. Instead of publishing dull content, incorporate videos, images, and other graphics that your target clients would love from start to finish.
  • Boost customer confidence. Customer testimonials are a common tool to boost client confidence, loyalty, and trust. Another thing that can help is by being honest and professional all the time.
  • Lessen external links. This is especially effective when you link to non-related websites. Before Google penalizes your content, lessen, or avoid external links in the meantime. 
More than 50% of the affiliate traffic comes from mobile devices

Are You In Need of Affiliate Software? 

When looking for software that would take your affiliate marketing efforts to a different level, Post Affiliate Pro got you covered. As the go-to option for many marketers, Post Affiliate Pro can turn your goals into a reality. Perfect for those who are less tech-savvy, this software is user-friendly and easy to manage.

Abbey Claire Dela Cruz

Guest Post Author

Abbey Claire Dela Cruz

Abbey Claire Dela Cruz serves as the Marketing Manager of Poptin. Her expertise as a content writer and marketer revolves around devising effective conversion strategies to grow businesses. When not working, she indulges herself with nature; creating once-in-a-lifetime adventures and connecting with people of all sorts.

Learn more about Trempads Affiliate Department Contact here. Visit the affiliate manager directory to get contact information, geographic focus and more.

Trempads Affiliate Department Contact

Trempads Affiliate Department Contact is an affiliate manager specializing in Media and Marketing. Worldwide geographical focus with experience in Trackiers software for affiliate operations. Contact via email and contact form for prompt answers.

Learn more about Anne Bonner here. Visit the affiliate manager directory to get contact information, geographic focus, experience details and more.

Anne Bonner

Anne Bonner is an affiliate manager specializing in Media and Marketing. She primarily focuses on affiliate efforts worldwide. She uses Offer18 for tracking and automating affiliate operations.

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Learn how to write highly-converting affiliate marketing copy by focusing on the reader, utilizing SEO, creating customer personas, and incorporating social proof. Keep it short and sweet, use numbers and verbs, and don't be afraid to A/B test. Tools like Grammarly, Ahrefs, and Hemingway can help improve your writing.

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